Founded by Pat Robertson in 1978
President Dr. Carlos Campo
Member of the Council on Foreign Relations:
Graduated from Bishop Gorman Catholic School in 1976:
Distinguished Faculty
John Ashcroft
-key supporter of Patriot Act:
-member of St. Elmo [Secret] Society at Yale:
-created Ashcroft Group of which Dick Cheney and Juleanna Glover are members of as well as members of the CFR:,_LLC;;
-Ashcroft's relationship with the Oracle Corporation and the War on Terror:;
Adm. Vern E. Clark
-Board of Directors for Raytheon, a defense contractor with questionable dealings:
-Chairman of the Board for SRI International, a research organization involved in many areas, including paranormal research:
-Graduated from Evangel University in 1968, while John Ashcroft's dad was President of the University:;
-Chosen to lead investigation into the controversial Fort Hood Shooting:
Stanley M. Burgess
-Board of Trustees for the New ORU:
Gary R. Collins
-Christian Psychologist
Charles W. Dunn
-Former chairman (1989-1993) of the United States J. William Fulbright Scholarship Board, an organization founded by multilateralist, J. William Fulbright, who was a Rhodes Scholar and supporter of the U.N.; Notable Alumni from the Fulbright Program are Zawi Hawass and Javier Solana:;;
David J. Gyertson
Former President of Regent University (1991-1993)
President of Asbury University (1993-2000)
W. George Selig
On the IQEF Global Review Board
Graham Twelftree
Author of many books on Exorcism
Mark Yarhouse
Involved in the Sexual Identity Issue.
Board of Trustees:
Bishop Wellington Boone
Dr. Carlos Campo
Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr.
Graduated from Yale University:
Member of Seventh Day Adventist:
Member of Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans:
Adm. Vern Clark
Dr. Chauncey Crandall
Mr. Bill Federer
Kay Peng Khoo
Chairman of MUI conglomerate which gets most of its wealth from Laura Ashley:
Mr. Robert E. Levy
Director of the Rotary Club:
Mr. Michael Little
Mr. Howard Long
Mr. Bill Maynard
Mrs. Cheryl Palacios McLeskey
Mr. David Melilli
10 Regent University Graduates Who Are Changing the World
THe 5leeping 6iant
"So then let us not sleep...but let us keep awake and be sober."
Friday, August 10, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
NOTES: Mass Shootings and the Military Connection
Over the last several months of 2012, there have been some pretty heinous mass shootings. And although they don't seem to have anything in common, the one thing that I noticed was that they all involve the military at some level.
08/05/12 -- Sikh Temple Shooting / Oak Creek, Wisconsin / Wade Michael Page / Army
07/20/12 -- Dark Knight Shooting / Aurora, Colorado / James Holmes / Army connections
05/02/12 -- Gilbert Shooting / Gilbert, Arizona / J.T. Ready / Marine
It is interesting that these unrelated events all involve the military. I asked myself why this was the case. Although I don't know have an answer for this commonality, I do have my speculation.
I know that the military experiments on new technology and on its soldiers. Sometimes these experiments cross paths. We see this in movies such as The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, and the Bourne Trilogy.
When you couple this factor with the idea of the Black Awakening, that TPTB are creating a force of ruthless killers that will soon create rampages all over the world that will make these aformentioned shootings seem like nothing, then there is a pretty good idea why these shootings may all involve the military.
08/05/12 -- Sikh Temple Shooting / Oak Creek, Wisconsin / Wade Michael Page / Army
07/20/12 -- Dark Knight Shooting / Aurora, Colorado / James Holmes / Army connections
05/02/12 -- Gilbert Shooting / Gilbert, Arizona / J.T. Ready / Marine
It is interesting that these unrelated events all involve the military. I asked myself why this was the case. Although I don't know have an answer for this commonality, I do have my speculation.
I know that the military experiments on new technology and on its soldiers. Sometimes these experiments cross paths. We see this in movies such as The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, and the Bourne Trilogy.
When you couple this factor with the idea of the Black Awakening, that TPTB are creating a force of ruthless killers that will soon create rampages all over the world that will make these aformentioned shootings seem like nothing, then there is a pretty good idea why these shootings may all involve the military.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Examiner 06-22-2012: Phoenix pastor faces jail time for holding religious services at his house
Michael Salman, pastor of Harvest Christian Community Church, who caused quite an uproar in 2008 by conducting religious services at his house in a northwest Phoenix neighborhood, is now facing jail time.
Read here to catch up on the whole story.
Last week, Salman lost on his appeal in the 2008 case in which he claimed his religious freedom was infringed upon. He has been sentenced to 60 days in jail and three years probation due to being found guilty of 67 violations of city building and safety codes.
According to the Phoenix New Times, last Saturday he surrendered himself to the jail but was turned away at the time. However, he is currently scheduled to return to court on June 28, at which time he may be ordered to go to jail.
Continue reading...
Friday, June 15, 2012
Examiner 06-15-2012: Arizona's young illegals to benefit from President's new immigration policy
An Executive Order handed down by President Obama will allow the children of illegal immigrants to stop being deported.
On June 15, 2012, the immigration debate came to a head once again when the President announced his new Executive Order that will allow children who were brought here illegally before the age of 16 to not be deported. However, they must meet the following requirements:
•They must be under 30.
•They must not be a criminal or security risk.
•They must have graduated from a U.S. high school or obtained their GED or served in the military.
•They must have lived in the U.S. continuously for at least 5 years.
If the applicants meet these requirements then they will be eligible for a 2-year deportation deferral and will be able to apply for a work permit that can be renewed without limitation.
To read more click here and here.
This Executive Order has caused quite a stir nationwide and even more so for Arizonans who have been embroiled in their own recent heated immigration debates and are currently awaiting a Supreme Court decision on their controversial law, SB1070.
To continue reading...
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Examiner 06-13-2012: U of A researcher finds support for extraterrestrial life
A University of Arizona researcher has found evidence of a lake located in a desert-like region of Saturn's moon, reviving hope that life may be found outside of planet Earth.
According to a journal article published in Nature, a team of researchers, led by University of Arizona Planetary Scientist Caitlin Griffith, discovered evidence of a tropical lake, consisting of liquid methane, located on Titan's equatorial region. Titan is Saturn's largest moon (Yes, that's right, Titan is back in the news this month, although this time it has nothing to do with Peyton Manning).
In recent years, lakes have been discovered in the polar regions of Titan's northern and southern hemispheres, but the latest discovery of this tropical lake by the University of Arizona research team is unique because it is located in a dry area with little rain. This may provide further evidence that life outside Earth is somehow possible.
Read more.
JOURNAL: Strange Bedfellows: Cannibalism and the Olympics
According to Google Trends, the term "cannibal" has risen in popularity over the past few weeks, no doubt due to the May 27, 2012 incident involving Rudy Eugene, who has been nicknamed the South Beach Cannibal.
Since then there have been a few other unrelated instances of cannibalism:
In light of the foregoing, I was reading an article yesterday in the Guardian regarding the 2012 London Olympics and came across the following:
Since then there have been a few other unrelated instances of cannibalism:
- May 28, 2012: Woman suspected of biting partner's penis
- May 29, 2012: Police: Hackensack man stabbed himself and threw intestines at officers
- May 30, 2012: Man cut off wife's lips and ate them
- May 31, 2012: Maryland man charged with killing, eating man's brain, heart
- June 1, 2012: Staten Island man bites other man's ear in ugly fight sparked by dispute over television
- June 1, 2012: Cannibal on run after warning The Sun: I can’t stop killing
- June 6, 2012: Cops: Man Bit Off Large Chunk Of Victim's Face
- June 6, 2012: Wig Theft Suspect Bit Store Owner, Cops: Police
- June 15, 2012: Braidwood burglars bite off victim's ear
- June 21, 2012: Latest 'zombie' eating attack: Man under the influence gets naked, bites off chunk of man's arm
- June 25, 2012: Cops: Woman High On Bath Salts Wanted To ‘Kill Someone And Eat Them’
- June 26, 2012: Another "zombie-like" attack? Man eats family dog after police say he ingested synthetic drug K-2
- June 30, 2012: Nude carjacker causes multiple crashes Scottsdale
- July 1, 2012: Chinese 'cannibal' attack caught on camera as drunk bus driver leaps on woman and chews on her face
- July 3, 2012: 'I'm a eat you': Crazed naked man high on bath salts threatens to eat police officers as they try to arrest him on golf course
- July 3, 2012: 'Zombie' attack Indianapolis video: David Martin fights off cops, stun gun shocks in 'ninja' attack
- July 5, 2012: Man accused of biting Mesa officer on calf
- July 5, 2012: Vampire Attack in Corpus Christi? teen bitten on neck as he walked down the street
- July 5, 2012: Pa. police: New mom smoked bath salts in hospital
- July 8, 2012: Witness: Woman Working At Inn Brutally Murdered By Naked Man
- July 10, 2012: Naked man arrested after rampage and attack in St. Augustine
- July 15, 2012: UPDATE: Elderly Woman Murdered In Her Fair Oaks Home Identified
- July 18, 2012: Police: Naked Teen Found Lying In Street Yelling ‘Bad Drugs’
- July 24, 2012: Man Accused of Biting Boy's Face
- August 8, 2012: Naked Randy Travis Threatened Trooper During DWI Arrest: Police
- August 13, 2012: Police: MMA fighter 'Mayhem' Miller found naked in church
- August 21, 2012: Only On CBS2: Police Report Claims Deutsche Bank Executive Was High On Bath Salts
- September 6, 2012: No, really: Govt warns of 'zombie apocalypse'
- September 13, 2012: Cops: Naked, Bloody Man Gnawed On Woman’s Head During Wild Neighborhood Rampage
In light of the foregoing, I was reading an article yesterday in the Guardian regarding the 2012 London Olympics and came across the following:
[The director Danny] Boyle had already revealed that the three-hour opening ceremony would be titled Isles of Wonder, a title based on a speech by Caliban in Shakespeare's The Tempest that will be referenced throughout the four ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
I wanted to find out why this speech by a character named Caliban was being used as the title of the Olympics opening ceremony, so I checked out the Wikipedia entry for Caliban and here is what I found:
Caliban is the son of Sycorax by (according to Prospero) a devil.
The name is an anagram of the Spanish word canibal (Carib people), the source of cannibal in English.
I'm not sure what it means, but I find it definitely strange that there is a seeming connection between the Olympics and all the cannibal/zombie stories that have been surfacing a month prior to the Olympics.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Examiner 06-08-2012: Arizona losing real hunger games
Arizona is above the national average when it comes to kids going hungry according to a recent report. Feeding America, a National organization committed to feeding America's hungry released their report this week which shows Arizona has tied with Oregon for last place in feeding its hungry kids. According to the Phoenix Business Journal, 29 percent of Arizona children suffer from what is referred to as food insecurity, defined by the USDA as those with "limited or uncertain access to adequate food.”
Unfortunately, this percentage rate has slightly increased from the 2009 Report. In stark contrast, the national average of hungry kids is at 21 percent, which has actually decreased from 23 percent in 2009. Moreover, it appears that kids are not the only people going hungry. The overall hunger rate in Arizona is at 19 percent while the national average is at 16 percent. The Phoenix Business Journal goes on to surmise that what may be a contributing factor in this food crises may be due to the high unemployment and poverty rate in Arizona.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
The book of Revelation warns that in the End Times the world will face a food shortage and resulting famine that will make this crisis in Arizona pale in comparison. In Revelation 6, the last two horsemen of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, show that food will be in short supply and that it will result in famine, and ultimately, death.
5 When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. 6 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” 7 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.Although we have already been seeing a gradual increase of food prices in the past several years, the black horse reveals that there will be a sharp increase of food prices during the End Times. This will eventually lead to increases in the occurrences of famine which will be one way the pale horse will bring death to the world's inhabitants.
It's time to WAKE UP and realize that hunger is not a game and this crisis is not just relegated to third world countries anymore but it is becoming a real issue in our country and even our state. Unfortunately, according to the Bible this crisis will continue to increase until Jesus comes back. However, it shouldn't stop us from continuing to do whatever we can to help feed people's mouths with food and feed their hearts with the gospel.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Examiner 05-29-2012: A naked face-eating man, bath salts, and what it says about the End Times
Police shot and killed a naked man eating the face off of another naked man in Florida over the weekend.
In a grisly scene usually reserved for horror movies, Rudy Eugene, 31, was killed by Miami police on Sunday after witnesses said he growled at police and continued to eat the face of the victim, an unidentified homeless man, who is now recovering in the hospital. Authorities are now saying that this attack may have been caused by Eugene’s use of bath salts, a new dangerous form of LSD.
Read more.
Exclusive: Causeway Cannibal Had Bible, Recently Smoked Pot When He Attacked [Source: CBS Local, June 6, 2012]
Exclusive: For The First Time, Cannibal Victim Speaks [Source:, August 8, 2012]
Friday, May 18, 2012
Examiner 05-17-2012: Superheroes and the rise of the modern-day Nephilim
Comicbook fans and moviegoers in Phoenix are in for a super-action packed summer. Marvel's The Avengers recently kicked the summer into high gear with ticket sales now grossing over $1 billion worldwide. Later this summer, two more comicbook related summer blockbusters will be released: The Amazing Spiderman on July 3, 2012 and The Dark Knight Rises on July 20, 2012. There is no doubt that this summer's trifecta of superhero movies will bring in hundreds of millions of dollars.
Metro Phoenix area residents click here for the latest movie dates and times.
By no means however, is this movie-going summer any different than in the past decade or so when it comes to superhero movies. Below is an inexhaustive list of comicbook-related summer blockbusters. These movies, along with a plethora of other superhero movies released over the past 12 years, have grossed in excess of $7 Billion.
Super hero Summer Blockbusters 2000 - 2011
July 2000 -- X-Men
May 2002 -- Spider-Man
May 2003 -- X-Men 2
June 2003 -- Hulk
June 2004 -- Spider-Man
June 2005 -- Batman Begins
July 2005 -- Fantastic Four
May 2006 -- X-Men: The Last Stand
June 2006 -- Superman Returns
May 2007 -- Spider-Man 3
June 2007 -- Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
May 2008 -- Iron Man
June 2008 -- The Incredible Hulk
July 2008 -- The Dark Knight
May 2009 -- X-Men Origins: Wolverine
May 2010 -- Iron Man 2
May2011 -- Thor
June 2011 -- The Green Lantern
July 2011 -- Captain America
For a more exhaustive list, click here and here
Superheroes: Truth or fiction?
Why has there been such a surge in the popularity of superhero movies within the past decade?
Friday, May 11, 2012
Examiner 05-11-2012: J.T. Ready murder-suicide mystery and its End Times significance
On May 2, 2012, federal, state, and local law enforcement officers were called out to a grisly scene in Gilbert, Arizona, to investigate an apparent murder-suicide. Among the victims were Lisa Maderos, 47; her daughter, Amber Maderos, 23; Amber’s fiance, Jim Hoitt, 24; and their 16-month old daughter, Lily Mederos. Investigations are still ongoing but officials have reported that military-style weapons and bio-hazardous chemicals were also found at the crime scene.
(To read one of the initial stories from that fateful day, click here.)
What is unique about this crime and sets it apart from other similar cases, is that the alleged gunman, Jason Todd (J.T.) Ready, 39, who ultimately turned the gun on himself, had interesting political ties and a colorful background. All of this may have led to this tragedy.
A colorful past
Ready had a colorful past. He was a former Marine who had been dishonorably discharged. He was a founder/member of the controversial U.S. Border Guard, that routinely patrolled Arizona’s border. He had connections with the Hell’s Angels. He was also a political figure in the Republican party whose recent foray into the political arena was running as a Democrat for Pinal County Sheriff. However, probably most notably was his involvement with the National Socialist Movement, more infamously known as the Neo-Nazis.
Ready also had ties with former State Senator, Russell Pearce, sponsor of SB1070. Who interestingly enough, several years ago, ordained Ready in the Mormon church and was present at his baptism. Additionally, Ready had been outspoken on the immigration and gun rights issues which have recently plagued Arizona.
Unanswered questions
With Ready’s background and the mainstream media’s report of the facts, it would appear that he indeed was the shooter. However, below is a list of some things to think about that, if nothing else, present some interesting timing issues and leave some unanswered questions.
Read on...
Friday, May 4, 2012
Examiner 05-04-2012: This weeked: Supermoon appearing in Arizona Night Sky
This Saturday around 8:35 p.m., Arizona residents will be able to experience the biggest moon of 2012.
For all the trivia buffs out there, the technical definition of this event is a Perigee-syzgy. However, it is more commonly referred to as a supermoon. It occurs when the moon, in its oval orbit, is at the closest point to earth. This moon will be 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than normal moons when it is on the horizon Saturday night.
Arizona’s last supermoon occurred over a year ago on March 19, 2011.
The term supermoon was originally coined by astrologer, Richard Nolle, who believes that the supermoon is connected to destructive weather patterns, including the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake of 2011. Although there are no conclusive studies on the supermoon’s effect on the weather, it does make for some interesting conjecture.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
The moon plays a significant role during the Last Days. In Joel 2:31, the Hebrew prophet prophesied that the moon would be turned to blood before the coming of the Day of the Lord.
Wake Up!
Although this Saturday’s supermoon will not be the Biblical moon that is turned to blood and darkened heralding the coming of the Day of the Lord, it is a good reminder that those who follow Christ Jesus should WAKE UP! and look up for their redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28).
For more interesting information on the moon and how it relates to the Bible, click here.
For all the trivia buffs out there, the technical definition of this event is a Perigee-syzgy. However, it is more commonly referred to as a supermoon. It occurs when the moon, in its oval orbit, is at the closest point to earth. This moon will be 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than normal moons when it is on the horizon Saturday night.
Arizona’s last supermoon occurred over a year ago on March 19, 2011.
The term supermoon was originally coined by astrologer, Richard Nolle, who believes that the supermoon is connected to destructive weather patterns, including the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake of 2011. Although there are no conclusive studies on the supermoon’s effect on the weather, it does make for some interesting conjecture.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
The moon plays a significant role during the Last Days. In Joel 2:31, the Hebrew prophet prophesied that the moon would be turned to blood before the coming of the Day of the Lord.
31The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.The fulfillment of this prophecy is seen in Revelation 6:12 at the opening of the sixth seal.
12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,Further on in Revelation 8:12, at the revealing of the fourth trumpet judgment, the moon is darkened.
12 The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.This event is prophesied in other scriptures throughout the Bible (See, Ezekiel 32:7; Joel 2:10; Joel 3:15; Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24; and Isaiah 13:10).
Wake Up!
Although this Saturday’s supermoon will not be the Biblical moon that is turned to blood and darkened heralding the coming of the Day of the Lord, it is a good reminder that those who follow Christ Jesus should WAKE UP! and look up for their redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28).
For more interesting information on the moon and how it relates to the Bible, click here.
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NOTES: Research on Regent University - A Global Christian University
Founded by Pat Robertson in 1978 President Dr. Carlos Campo Member of the Council on Foreign Relations: ...
Michael Salman, pastor of Harvest Christian Community Church, who caused quite an uproar in 2008 by conducting religious services at his ...
Founded by Pat Robertson in 1978 President Dr. Carlos Campo Member of the Council on Foreign Relations: ...