"The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed." - Romans 13:11
TIME is tick, tick, ticking away...
Time is running out for the world as we know it. It is time for the Sleeping Giant called the Church to wake up to the reality of the world we live in. God's Word is being fulfilled right before our eyes. All we have to do is to read the news headlines to see that God's Word will not return void but will accomplish His purpose and desire (Isaiah 55:11). It is with this truth in mind that this blog exists. My goal is to post significant news headlines, events, and information that are not just impacting our world but that are fulfilling the ancient prophecies of the Bible and ultimately, God's purpose and desire.
Seize the Day!
My hope is that Christians will take note of these headlines and begin to "make the most of every opportunity" (Ephesians 5:16). To set aside the things in our life that waste our time, those things that will be meaningless when we stand before Jesus and have to give an account of our life. We must realize the late hour we are living in, make our stand for Jesus and begin to lay up treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:20) by doing things that will make a difference in eternity; we must overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). We only have one life to live and as Christians it would be shame to look back on our life and see that we wasted so much of it on our selfishness and complacency rather than living it out for Jesus.
Of course there may be those of you who visit this blog who are not Christians and believe that these news stories are just interesting coincidences or that I'm just trying to scare people. If this describes you, I encourage you to put aside your prejudices for a moment and take an honest look at the evidence with an open mind and explore the claims of Christianity. Specifically, study the prophecies of the Bible and then read the news headlines, it might just amaze you!
Yet finding the truth isn't the end of the story. Once you have come to see that the Bible can be trusted, you must make the next move which is admitting to God, yourself, and even others that you are a sinner (Romans 3:23). Now most of us will readily admit that we are sinners although, we probably comfort ourselves with the fact that we aren't as bad as our neighbor, friend, or even our spouse. But the truth is when it all boils down, sin is still sin, no matter how small or insignificant it may be and unfortunately, when we sin we are paid with spiritual death and eventually physical death (Romans 6:23). This is the bad news.
Yet finding the truth isn't the end of the story. Once you have come to see that the Bible can be trusted, you must make the next move which is admitting to God, yourself, and even others that you are a sinner (Romans 3:23). Now most of us will readily admit that we are sinners although, we probably comfort ourselves with the fact that we aren't as bad as our neighbor, friend, or even our spouse. But the truth is when it all boils down, sin is still sin, no matter how small or insignificant it may be and unfortunately, when we sin we are paid with spiritual death and eventually physical death (Romans 6:23). This is the bad news.

Well to be sure there are some who take these approaches but if you're like most people you will turn to religion to help you become a better person and/or rid yourself of your guilt; sometimes its works and sometimes it doesn't. While there are countless religions out there, they are all basically the same thing - man trying to make himself feel good and/or trying to please and satisfy his god(s); in essence it's all about what man can do. Real Christianity (not the kind that you see on so-called Christian TV or from that annoying co-worker) is about what the God of the Bible has done for you (John 3:16). It was the God of the Bible who created you, it was the God of the Bible who gives you your life, breath and all good things (James 1:17), it is the God of the Bible who offers salvation, eternal life, real hope, true joy, and a lasting peace! This is the Good News, a.k.a. the Gospel: God sent his Son, Jesus into this world in order to live, die, and be raised back to life, so that our sins can be paid for and our lives redeemed for Him.
Now you still may be saying to yourself, this "christian" stuff is a bunch of non-sensical, ignorant fairytales at best or dangerous propaganda at worst. Well, the reason for this belief is because we are hardwired to gravitate toward sin and selfish desires and away from God (Romans 3:12).
But there may be others of you who know or maybe feel that there is something to all of this. That may be God working within your spirit drawing you to Himself. Remember, unlike other religions, there is nothing you can do to make yourself good enough for God or make yourself love God, rather it is God working in you. If this is how you feel right now, acknowledge to God that you are a sinner and in need of His forgiveness and ask Him for direction and knowledge as you "give your life to Him" through obedience to His Word. Then grab a Bible and start reading His Word (I suggest starting in the New Testament with one of the Gospels, don't try to read the Bible starting with Genesis like a regular book). If you are serious about this commitment, God will bring the people and resources in your life that will help you grow and figure out this whole "Christian" thing. Now, even though you may not physically feel any different (like if you were hit with a lightning bolt or something) it's ok. All the Bible says you have to do, is to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and you will be saved (Romans 10:9-10)!
The Most Important Decision You'll Ever Make
What's that? You say you still feel that all this "christian" mumbo-jumbo is ridiculous? That's okay because God may still be working in you. God will save all that are His until his purpose is accomplished (Philippians 1:6). It may not be your time yet, but remember that time is quickly winding up, the end of the world as we know it is quickly on its way, and if you don't have a personal living relationship with the Jesus of the Bible than according to the Bible you will have no part with God, not because He doesn't want one, but because you don't want one. So in the words of the Book of Joshua "choose you this day whom ye will serve" (Joshua 24:15). It will be the most important decision of your life!
What's that? You say you still feel that all this "christian" mumbo-jumbo is ridiculous? That's okay because God may still be working in you. God will save all that are His until his purpose is accomplished (Philippians 1:6). It may not be your time yet, but remember that time is quickly winding up, the end of the world as we know it is quickly on its way, and if you don't have a personal living relationship with the Jesus of the Bible than according to the Bible you will have no part with God, not because He doesn't want one, but because you don't want one. So in the words of the Book of Joshua "choose you this day whom ye will serve" (Joshua 24:15). It will be the most important decision of your life!
The choice is yours but the time is short!