Founded by Pat Robertson in 1978
President Dr. Carlos Campo
Member of the Council on Foreign Relations:
Graduated from Bishop Gorman Catholic School in 1976:
Distinguished Faculty
John Ashcroft
-key supporter of Patriot Act:
-member of St. Elmo [Secret] Society at Yale:
-created Ashcroft Group of which Dick Cheney and Juleanna Glover are members of as well as members of the CFR:,_LLC;;
-Ashcroft's relationship with the Oracle Corporation and the War on Terror:;
Adm. Vern E. Clark
-Board of Directors for Raytheon, a defense contractor with questionable dealings:
-Chairman of the Board for SRI International, a research organization involved in many areas, including paranormal research:
-Graduated from Evangel University in 1968, while John Ashcroft's dad was President of the University:;
-Chosen to lead investigation into the controversial Fort Hood Shooting:
Stanley M. Burgess
-Board of Trustees for the New ORU:
Gary R. Collins
-Christian Psychologist
Charles W. Dunn
-Former chairman (1989-1993) of the United States J. William Fulbright Scholarship Board, an organization founded by multilateralist, J. William Fulbright, who was a Rhodes Scholar and supporter of the U.N.; Notable Alumni from the Fulbright Program are Zawi Hawass and Javier Solana:;;
David J. Gyertson
Former President of Regent University (1991-1993)
President of Asbury University (1993-2000)
W. George Selig
On the IQEF Global Review Board
Graham Twelftree
Author of many books on Exorcism
Mark Yarhouse
Involved in the Sexual Identity Issue.
Board of Trustees:
Bishop Wellington Boone
Dr. Carlos Campo
Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr.
Graduated from Yale University:
Member of Seventh Day Adventist:
Member of Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans:
Adm. Vern Clark
Dr. Chauncey Crandall
Mr. Bill Federer
Kay Peng Khoo
Chairman of MUI conglomerate which gets most of its wealth from Laura Ashley:
Mr. Robert E. Levy
Director of the Rotary Club:
Mr. Michael Little
Mr. Howard Long
Mr. Bill Maynard
Mrs. Cheryl Palacios McLeskey
Mr. David Melilli
10 Regent University Graduates Who Are Changing the World
Friday, August 10, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
NOTES: Mass Shootings and the Military Connection
Over the last several months of 2012, there have been some pretty heinous mass shootings. And although they don't seem to have anything in common, the one thing that I noticed was that they all involve the military at some level.
08/05/12 -- Sikh Temple Shooting / Oak Creek, Wisconsin / Wade Michael Page / Army
07/20/12 -- Dark Knight Shooting / Aurora, Colorado / James Holmes / Army connections
05/02/12 -- Gilbert Shooting / Gilbert, Arizona / J.T. Ready / Marine
It is interesting that these unrelated events all involve the military. I asked myself why this was the case. Although I don't know have an answer for this commonality, I do have my speculation.
I know that the military experiments on new technology and on its soldiers. Sometimes these experiments cross paths. We see this in movies such as The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, and the Bourne Trilogy.
When you couple this factor with the idea of the Black Awakening, that TPTB are creating a force of ruthless killers that will soon create rampages all over the world that will make these aformentioned shootings seem like nothing, then there is a pretty good idea why these shootings may all involve the military.
08/05/12 -- Sikh Temple Shooting / Oak Creek, Wisconsin / Wade Michael Page / Army
07/20/12 -- Dark Knight Shooting / Aurora, Colorado / James Holmes / Army connections
05/02/12 -- Gilbert Shooting / Gilbert, Arizona / J.T. Ready / Marine
It is interesting that these unrelated events all involve the military. I asked myself why this was the case. Although I don't know have an answer for this commonality, I do have my speculation.
I know that the military experiments on new technology and on its soldiers. Sometimes these experiments cross paths. We see this in movies such as The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, and the Bourne Trilogy.
When you couple this factor with the idea of the Black Awakening, that TPTB are creating a force of ruthless killers that will soon create rampages all over the world that will make these aformentioned shootings seem like nothing, then there is a pretty good idea why these shootings may all involve the military.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Examiner 06-22-2012: Phoenix pastor faces jail time for holding religious services at his house
Michael Salman, pastor of Harvest Christian Community Church, who caused quite an uproar in 2008 by conducting religious services at his house in a northwest Phoenix neighborhood, is now facing jail time.
Read here to catch up on the whole story.
Last week, Salman lost on his appeal in the 2008 case in which he claimed his religious freedom was infringed upon. He has been sentenced to 60 days in jail and three years probation due to being found guilty of 67 violations of city building and safety codes.
According to the Phoenix New Times, last Saturday he surrendered himself to the jail but was turned away at the time. However, he is currently scheduled to return to court on June 28, at which time he may be ordered to go to jail.
Continue reading...
Friday, June 15, 2012
Examiner 06-15-2012: Arizona's young illegals to benefit from President's new immigration policy
An Executive Order handed down by President Obama will allow the children of illegal immigrants to stop being deported.
On June 15, 2012, the immigration debate came to a head once again when the President announced his new Executive Order that will allow children who were brought here illegally before the age of 16 to not be deported. However, they must meet the following requirements:
•They must be under 30.
•They must not be a criminal or security risk.
•They must have graduated from a U.S. high school or obtained their GED or served in the military.
•They must have lived in the U.S. continuously for at least 5 years.
If the applicants meet these requirements then they will be eligible for a 2-year deportation deferral and will be able to apply for a work permit that can be renewed without limitation.
To read more click here and here.
This Executive Order has caused quite a stir nationwide and even more so for Arizonans who have been embroiled in their own recent heated immigration debates and are currently awaiting a Supreme Court decision on their controversial law, SB1070.
To continue reading...
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Examiner 06-13-2012: U of A researcher finds support for extraterrestrial life
A University of Arizona researcher has found evidence of a lake located in a desert-like region of Saturn's moon, reviving hope that life may be found outside of planet Earth.
According to a journal article published in Nature, a team of researchers, led by University of Arizona Planetary Scientist Caitlin Griffith, discovered evidence of a tropical lake, consisting of liquid methane, located on Titan's equatorial region. Titan is Saturn's largest moon (Yes, that's right, Titan is back in the news this month, although this time it has nothing to do with Peyton Manning).
In recent years, lakes have been discovered in the polar regions of Titan's northern and southern hemispheres, but the latest discovery of this tropical lake by the University of Arizona research team is unique because it is located in a dry area with little rain. This may provide further evidence that life outside Earth is somehow possible.
Read more.
JOURNAL: Strange Bedfellows: Cannibalism and the Olympics
According to Google Trends, the term "cannibal" has risen in popularity over the past few weeks, no doubt due to the May 27, 2012 incident involving Rudy Eugene, who has been nicknamed the South Beach Cannibal.
Since then there have been a few other unrelated instances of cannibalism:
In light of the foregoing, I was reading an article yesterday in the Guardian regarding the 2012 London Olympics and came across the following:
Since then there have been a few other unrelated instances of cannibalism:
- May 28, 2012: Woman suspected of biting partner's penis
- May 29, 2012: Police: Hackensack man stabbed himself and threw intestines at officers
- May 30, 2012: Man cut off wife's lips and ate them
- May 31, 2012: Maryland man charged with killing, eating man's brain, heart
- June 1, 2012: Staten Island man bites other man's ear in ugly fight sparked by dispute over television
- June 1, 2012: Cannibal on run after warning The Sun: I can’t stop killing
- June 6, 2012: Cops: Man Bit Off Large Chunk Of Victim's Face
- June 6, 2012: Wig Theft Suspect Bit Store Owner, Cops: Police
- June 15, 2012: Braidwood burglars bite off victim's ear
- June 21, 2012: Latest 'zombie' eating attack: Man under the influence gets naked, bites off chunk of man's arm
- June 25, 2012: Cops: Woman High On Bath Salts Wanted To ‘Kill Someone And Eat Them’
- June 26, 2012: Another "zombie-like" attack? Man eats family dog after police say he ingested synthetic drug K-2
- June 30, 2012: Nude carjacker causes multiple crashes Scottsdale
- July 1, 2012: Chinese 'cannibal' attack caught on camera as drunk bus driver leaps on woman and chews on her face
- July 3, 2012: 'I'm a eat you': Crazed naked man high on bath salts threatens to eat police officers as they try to arrest him on golf course
- July 3, 2012: 'Zombie' attack Indianapolis video: David Martin fights off cops, stun gun shocks in 'ninja' attack
- July 5, 2012: Man accused of biting Mesa officer on calf
- July 5, 2012: Vampire Attack in Corpus Christi? teen bitten on neck as he walked down the street
- July 5, 2012: Pa. police: New mom smoked bath salts in hospital
- July 8, 2012: Witness: Woman Working At Inn Brutally Murdered By Naked Man
- July 10, 2012: Naked man arrested after rampage and attack in St. Augustine
- July 15, 2012: UPDATE: Elderly Woman Murdered In Her Fair Oaks Home Identified
- July 18, 2012: Police: Naked Teen Found Lying In Street Yelling ‘Bad Drugs’
- July 24, 2012: Man Accused of Biting Boy's Face
- August 8, 2012: Naked Randy Travis Threatened Trooper During DWI Arrest: Police
- August 13, 2012: Police: MMA fighter 'Mayhem' Miller found naked in church
- August 21, 2012: Only On CBS2: Police Report Claims Deutsche Bank Executive Was High On Bath Salts
- September 6, 2012: No, really: Govt warns of 'zombie apocalypse'
- September 13, 2012: Cops: Naked, Bloody Man Gnawed On Woman’s Head During Wild Neighborhood Rampage
In light of the foregoing, I was reading an article yesterday in the Guardian regarding the 2012 London Olympics and came across the following:
[The director Danny] Boyle had already revealed that the three-hour opening ceremony would be titled Isles of Wonder, a title based on a speech by Caliban in Shakespeare's The Tempest that will be referenced throughout the four ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
I wanted to find out why this speech by a character named Caliban was being used as the title of the Olympics opening ceremony, so I checked out the Wikipedia entry for Caliban and here is what I found:
Caliban is the son of Sycorax by (according to Prospero) a devil.
The name is an anagram of the Spanish word canibal (Carib people), the source of cannibal in English.
I'm not sure what it means, but I find it definitely strange that there is a seeming connection between the Olympics and all the cannibal/zombie stories that have been surfacing a month prior to the Olympics.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Examiner 06-08-2012: Arizona losing real hunger games
Arizona is above the national average when it comes to kids going hungry according to a recent report. Feeding America, a National organization committed to feeding America's hungry released their report this week which shows Arizona has tied with Oregon for last place in feeding its hungry kids. According to the Phoenix Business Journal, 29 percent of Arizona children suffer from what is referred to as food insecurity, defined by the USDA as those with "limited or uncertain access to adequate food.”
Unfortunately, this percentage rate has slightly increased from the 2009 Report. In stark contrast, the national average of hungry kids is at 21 percent, which has actually decreased from 23 percent in 2009. Moreover, it appears that kids are not the only people going hungry. The overall hunger rate in Arizona is at 19 percent while the national average is at 16 percent. The Phoenix Business Journal goes on to surmise that what may be a contributing factor in this food crises may be due to the high unemployment and poverty rate in Arizona.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
The book of Revelation warns that in the End Times the world will face a food shortage and resulting famine that will make this crisis in Arizona pale in comparison. In Revelation 6, the last two horsemen of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, show that food will be in short supply and that it will result in famine, and ultimately, death.
5 When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. 6 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” 7 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.Although we have already been seeing a gradual increase of food prices in the past several years, the black horse reveals that there will be a sharp increase of food prices during the End Times. This will eventually lead to increases in the occurrences of famine which will be one way the pale horse will bring death to the world's inhabitants.
It's time to WAKE UP and realize that hunger is not a game and this crisis is not just relegated to third world countries anymore but it is becoming a real issue in our country and even our state. Unfortunately, according to the Bible this crisis will continue to increase until Jesus comes back. However, it shouldn't stop us from continuing to do whatever we can to help feed people's mouths with food and feed their hearts with the gospel.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Examiner 05-29-2012: A naked face-eating man, bath salts, and what it says about the End Times
Police shot and killed a naked man eating the face off of another naked man in Florida over the weekend.
In a grisly scene usually reserved for horror movies, Rudy Eugene, 31, was killed by Miami police on Sunday after witnesses said he growled at police and continued to eat the face of the victim, an unidentified homeless man, who is now recovering in the hospital. Authorities are now saying that this attack may have been caused by Eugene’s use of bath salts, a new dangerous form of LSD.
Read more.
Exclusive: Causeway Cannibal Had Bible, Recently Smoked Pot When He Attacked [Source: CBS Local, June 6, 2012]
Exclusive: For The First Time, Cannibal Victim Speaks [Source:, August 8, 2012]
Friday, May 18, 2012
Examiner 05-17-2012: Superheroes and the rise of the modern-day Nephilim
Comicbook fans and moviegoers in Phoenix are in for a super-action packed summer. Marvel's The Avengers recently kicked the summer into high gear with ticket sales now grossing over $1 billion worldwide. Later this summer, two more comicbook related summer blockbusters will be released: The Amazing Spiderman on July 3, 2012 and The Dark Knight Rises on July 20, 2012. There is no doubt that this summer's trifecta of superhero movies will bring in hundreds of millions of dollars.
Metro Phoenix area residents click here for the latest movie dates and times.
By no means however, is this movie-going summer any different than in the past decade or so when it comes to superhero movies. Below is an inexhaustive list of comicbook-related summer blockbusters. These movies, along with a plethora of other superhero movies released over the past 12 years, have grossed in excess of $7 Billion.
Super hero Summer Blockbusters 2000 - 2011
July 2000 -- X-Men
May 2002 -- Spider-Man
May 2003 -- X-Men 2
June 2003 -- Hulk
June 2004 -- Spider-Man
June 2005 -- Batman Begins
July 2005 -- Fantastic Four
May 2006 -- X-Men: The Last Stand
June 2006 -- Superman Returns
May 2007 -- Spider-Man 3
June 2007 -- Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
May 2008 -- Iron Man
June 2008 -- The Incredible Hulk
July 2008 -- The Dark Knight
May 2009 -- X-Men Origins: Wolverine
May 2010 -- Iron Man 2
May2011 -- Thor
June 2011 -- The Green Lantern
July 2011 -- Captain America
For a more exhaustive list, click here and here
Superheroes: Truth or fiction?
Why has there been such a surge in the popularity of superhero movies within the past decade?
Friday, May 11, 2012
Examiner 05-11-2012: J.T. Ready murder-suicide mystery and its End Times significance
On May 2, 2012, federal, state, and local law enforcement officers were called out to a grisly scene in Gilbert, Arizona, to investigate an apparent murder-suicide. Among the victims were Lisa Maderos, 47; her daughter, Amber Maderos, 23; Amber’s fiance, Jim Hoitt, 24; and their 16-month old daughter, Lily Mederos. Investigations are still ongoing but officials have reported that military-style weapons and bio-hazardous chemicals were also found at the crime scene.
(To read one of the initial stories from that fateful day, click here.)
What is unique about this crime and sets it apart from other similar cases, is that the alleged gunman, Jason Todd (J.T.) Ready, 39, who ultimately turned the gun on himself, had interesting political ties and a colorful background. All of this may have led to this tragedy.
A colorful past
Ready had a colorful past. He was a former Marine who had been dishonorably discharged. He was a founder/member of the controversial U.S. Border Guard, that routinely patrolled Arizona’s border. He had connections with the Hell’s Angels. He was also a political figure in the Republican party whose recent foray into the political arena was running as a Democrat for Pinal County Sheriff. However, probably most notably was his involvement with the National Socialist Movement, more infamously known as the Neo-Nazis.
Ready also had ties with former State Senator, Russell Pearce, sponsor of SB1070. Who interestingly enough, several years ago, ordained Ready in the Mormon church and was present at his baptism. Additionally, Ready had been outspoken on the immigration and gun rights issues which have recently plagued Arizona.
Unanswered questions
With Ready’s background and the mainstream media’s report of the facts, it would appear that he indeed was the shooter. However, below is a list of some things to think about that, if nothing else, present some interesting timing issues and leave some unanswered questions.
Read on...
Friday, May 4, 2012
Examiner 05-04-2012: This weeked: Supermoon appearing in Arizona Night Sky
This Saturday around 8:35 p.m., Arizona residents will be able to experience the biggest moon of 2012.
For all the trivia buffs out there, the technical definition of this event is a Perigee-syzgy. However, it is more commonly referred to as a supermoon. It occurs when the moon, in its oval orbit, is at the closest point to earth. This moon will be 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than normal moons when it is on the horizon Saturday night.
Arizona’s last supermoon occurred over a year ago on March 19, 2011.
The term supermoon was originally coined by astrologer, Richard Nolle, who believes that the supermoon is connected to destructive weather patterns, including the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake of 2011. Although there are no conclusive studies on the supermoon’s effect on the weather, it does make for some interesting conjecture.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
The moon plays a significant role during the Last Days. In Joel 2:31, the Hebrew prophet prophesied that the moon would be turned to blood before the coming of the Day of the Lord.
Wake Up!
Although this Saturday’s supermoon will not be the Biblical moon that is turned to blood and darkened heralding the coming of the Day of the Lord, it is a good reminder that those who follow Christ Jesus should WAKE UP! and look up for their redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28).
For more interesting information on the moon and how it relates to the Bible, click here.
For all the trivia buffs out there, the technical definition of this event is a Perigee-syzgy. However, it is more commonly referred to as a supermoon. It occurs when the moon, in its oval orbit, is at the closest point to earth. This moon will be 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than normal moons when it is on the horizon Saturday night.
Arizona’s last supermoon occurred over a year ago on March 19, 2011.
The term supermoon was originally coined by astrologer, Richard Nolle, who believes that the supermoon is connected to destructive weather patterns, including the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake of 2011. Although there are no conclusive studies on the supermoon’s effect on the weather, it does make for some interesting conjecture.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
The moon plays a significant role during the Last Days. In Joel 2:31, the Hebrew prophet prophesied that the moon would be turned to blood before the coming of the Day of the Lord.
31The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.The fulfillment of this prophecy is seen in Revelation 6:12 at the opening of the sixth seal.
12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,Further on in Revelation 8:12, at the revealing of the fourth trumpet judgment, the moon is darkened.
12 The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.This event is prophesied in other scriptures throughout the Bible (See, Ezekiel 32:7; Joel 2:10; Joel 3:15; Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24; and Isaiah 13:10).
Wake Up!
Although this Saturday’s supermoon will not be the Biblical moon that is turned to blood and darkened heralding the coming of the Day of the Lord, it is a good reminder that those who follow Christ Jesus should WAKE UP! and look up for their redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28).
For more interesting information on the moon and how it relates to the Bible, click here.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Examiner 04-26-2012: Arizona SB1070 argued before Supreme Court and what it says about the End Times
Attorneys for both sides appeared before the highest court on Wednesday to argue several of the controversial provisions within Arizona’s SB1070; the most infamous being, requiring police to determine the immigration status of people who they detain or arrest if they believe they are here illegally. This requirement has caused quite an uproar in this state and many opponents have made claims that this law encourages racial profiling and is unconstitutional.
According to the Washington Post, it appears that the Supreme Court may be leaning in favor of the Arizona law. However, the Supreme Court’s ruling will not issue until late June.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
In Matthew 24, Jesus in His discourse on the End Times states that one of the signs of the End Times will be an increase in ethnic wars.
3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
The word “nation” is translated from the Greek word “ethnos”, which is where we get our terms ethnic or ethnicity. Thus we can read this as "ethnic group will rise against ethnic group" or "race will rise against race". There is no doubt that SB1070 is stirring up ethnic group against ethnic group here in Arizona and all over the nation for that matter.
Unfortunately, the controversy over SB1070 is just one of many issues that are causing ethnic groups to rise up and fight against other ethnic groups in our nation and around the world. One thing is for sure, it’s time to WAKE UP! and realize that we are witnessing the intensifying of birth pangs signaling to us that we are living in the Last Days.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Examiner 04-20-2012: Arizona legalizes Bible course for students and what it says about the End Times
Arizona has now become the sixth state to implement a high school elective course on the Bible.
On April 17, 2012, Governor Jan Brewer, signed into law HB2563, which will allow high schools to offer a bible-based elective course on the Bible and its influence on Western Culture. According to the law itself, the course would do the following:
According to an article from MyFox10 News, the bill's sponsor, State Representative, Terri Proud, R-Tucson, believes that this type of course is necessary because there are references to the Bible everywhere in our culture.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:14 that the gospel of the kingdom, as established in the Bible, would be preached to the whole world.
It's time to WAKE UP! and realize that God's Word as set forth in the Bible is true and powerful. Yes, before the end of time, the gospel will be preached little by little until all nations have heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. And here in Arizona we have seen a tiny bit of that prophecy fulfilled this past week by the signing into law HB2563.
More Information:
On April 17, 2012, Governor Jan Brewer, signed into law HB2563, which will allow high schools to offer a bible-based elective course on the Bible and its influence on Western Culture. According to the law itself, the course would do the following:
1. Familiarize pupils with the contents, characters, poetry and narratives that are prerequisites to understanding society and culture, including literature, art, music, mores, oratory and public policy.[Read HB2563 in its entirety here.]
2. Familiarize pupils with the following:
(a) The contents of the old testament and the new testament.
(b) The history recorded by the old testament and the new testament.
(c) The literary style and structure of the old testament and the new testament.
(d) The influence of the old testament and the new testament on laws, history,
According to an article from MyFox10 News, the bill's sponsor, State Representative, Terri Proud, R-Tucson, believes that this type of course is necessary because there are references to the Bible everywhere in our culture.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:14 that the gospel of the kingdom, as established in the Bible, would be preached to the whole world.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.Over the centuries we have seen the gospel be preached in the remotest corners of the world. Yet, in the past few decades we have seen it all but disappear in our culture. Yet, God's Word will not return void but accomplish what He desires (Isaiah 55:11). Thus, in Arizona we have seen the Bible be able to slip passed liberal bias and the religious restrictions of our society and end up being introduced into a classroom of students who might not have ever had the opportunity to read and experience the Bible.
It's time to WAKE UP! and realize that God's Word as set forth in the Bible is true and powerful. Yes, before the end of time, the gospel will be preached little by little until all nations have heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. And here in Arizona we have seen a tiny bit of that prophecy fulfilled this past week by the signing into law HB2563.
More Information:
Friday, April 13, 2012
Examiner 04-13-2012: Maricopa County holds mock bioterrorist event on April 14
File this one under bioterrorism threats.
On Saturday, April 14, 2012 at North Canyon High School, the Maricopa County Department of Health, along with more than 200 volunteers, will be hosting a “dispensing drill” in order to prepare itself in case of a bioterrorism attack. In the event of such an attack the County would be responsible for working in conjunction with the community to distribute lifesaving antibiotics to more than 3.8 million residents.
To learn more information read press release here.
Unfortunately we live in a world where these sorts of drills have become commonplace, even to the point that they go unnoticed. These types of drills that were once only conducted in war-torn countries have increasingly been made a regular exercise in our country, and even in our own city.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
According to Matthew 24, Jesus prophesied that the time of the End would bring wars and rumors of war followed by death and destruction. Moreover, in Revelation 6 we read about the seven seals, the first four of which are famously known as the four Horseman of the Apocalypse:
The last rider rides a pale horse representing death which will take many forms, including, perhaps, the use of bioterrorist weapons, killing a fourth of mankind.
As wars and rumors of war and the drills that prepare us for them continue to increase, it’s time to WAKE UP! and recognize that even though the four horseman are on their way bringing death and destruction, we who stand firm to the End, by the power of Jesus, will be saved (Matthew 24:13).
On Saturday, April 14, 2012 at North Canyon High School, the Maricopa County Department of Health, along with more than 200 volunteers, will be hosting a “dispensing drill” in order to prepare itself in case of a bioterrorism attack. In the event of such an attack the County would be responsible for working in conjunction with the community to distribute lifesaving antibiotics to more than 3.8 million residents.
To learn more information read press release here.
Unfortunately we live in a world where these sorts of drills have become commonplace, even to the point that they go unnoticed. These types of drills that were once only conducted in war-torn countries have increasingly been made a regular exercise in our country, and even in our own city.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
According to Matthew 24, Jesus prophesied that the time of the End would bring wars and rumors of war followed by death and destruction. Moreover, in Revelation 6 we read about the seven seals, the first four of which are famously known as the four Horseman of the Apocalypse:
1 I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. 3 When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword. 5 When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. 6 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” 7 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
The last rider rides a pale horse representing death which will take many forms, including, perhaps, the use of bioterrorist weapons, killing a fourth of mankind.
As wars and rumors of war and the drills that prepare us for them continue to increase, it’s time to WAKE UP! and recognize that even though the four horseman are on their way bringing death and destruction, we who stand firm to the End, by the power of Jesus, will be saved (Matthew 24:13).
Friday, April 6, 2012
Examiner 04-06-2012: HB2549: Arizona's Internet Censorship Bill paving way for Anti-Christ's Kingdom
File this one under "Big Brother Legislation".
On March 28, the Arizona State Legislature passed HB 2549 that many critics claim would have serious constitutional repercussions. [Read the Bill here.]
HB 2549 amended a law already on the books that criminalizes harassing telephone calls and broadens it to "any electronic or digital device" in an effort to stop bullying and other types of harassment. While although this a noble cause, the Media Coalition, one of the bill’s most outspoken critics, believes that the bill is too overly broad and would harm rather than help the problem. As reported in a Phoenix New Times blog article, the Coalition sent the Governor a memo stating the following:
"H.B. 2549 is not limited to a one to one conversation between two specific people. The communication does not need to be repetitive or even unwanted. There is no requirement that the recipient or subject of the speech actually feel offended, annoyed or scared. Nor does the legislation make clear that the communication must be intended to offend or annoy the reader, the subject or even any specific person."
There has been so much media attention and negative publicity concerning this bill that as of April 3, instead of going to the Governor’s desk for signature the bill went into a conference committee were it will either be amended or laid to rest until the next legislative session.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
While although this bill will not be signed into law in its current form, it definitely is a shadow of things to come in the near future. According to Revelation 13:5-8, the Beast, otherwise known as the Anti-Christ, is given power over all peoples.
How does the Anti-Christ gain control over all the people of the world? More than likely it will be through programs and policies, such as HB2549, that keep us monitored and in fear. All one has to do is to briefly watch the news or search the internet to see that Arizona is not the only governmental entity that is slowly restricting the freedom of their people. It's happening all over our country and throughout the world via technology. Technology can be a good thing but very dangerous when used in the wrong way.
It's time to WAKE UP! and realize that as the government takes away our freedoms by monitoring the populace through police power and surveillance, they will be setting the stage for the Anti-Christ to takeover more easily every tribe, people, language and nation.
On March 28, the Arizona State Legislature passed HB 2549 that many critics claim would have serious constitutional repercussions. [Read the Bill here.]
HB 2549 amended a law already on the books that criminalizes harassing telephone calls and broadens it to "any electronic or digital device" in an effort to stop bullying and other types of harassment. While although this a noble cause, the Media Coalition, one of the bill’s most outspoken critics, believes that the bill is too overly broad and would harm rather than help the problem. As reported in a Phoenix New Times blog article, the Coalition sent the Governor a memo stating the following:
"H.B. 2549 is not limited to a one to one conversation between two specific people. The communication does not need to be repetitive or even unwanted. There is no requirement that the recipient or subject of the speech actually feel offended, annoyed or scared. Nor does the legislation make clear that the communication must be intended to offend or annoy the reader, the subject or even any specific person."
There has been so much media attention and negative publicity concerning this bill that as of April 3, instead of going to the Governor’s desk for signature the bill went into a conference committee were it will either be amended or laid to rest until the next legislative session.
The Bible Prophecy Connection
While although this bill will not be signed into law in its current form, it definitely is a shadow of things to come in the near future. According to Revelation 13:5-8, the Beast, otherwise known as the Anti-Christ, is given power over all peoples.
5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. 6 It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7 It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. 8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.We also know from Daniel 7:23 that the fourth and last world kingdom, ruled by the Anti-Christ, will be so powerful that it will control the whole earth.
23 “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it.
How does the Anti-Christ gain control over all the people of the world? More than likely it will be through programs and policies, such as HB2549, that keep us monitored and in fear. All one has to do is to briefly watch the news or search the internet to see that Arizona is not the only governmental entity that is slowly restricting the freedom of their people. It's happening all over our country and throughout the world via technology. Technology can be a good thing but very dangerous when used in the wrong way.
It's time to WAKE UP! and realize that as the government takes away our freedoms by monitoring the populace through police power and surveillance, they will be setting the stage for the Anti-Christ to takeover more easily every tribe, people, language and nation.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Examiner 04-03-2012: Obama birth certificate investigated by Maricopa County Sheriff
File this one under controversial investigation.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the self proclaimed "Toughest Sheriff in America" is cracking down on all lawbreakers and no one is safe not even the President. On March 1, Sheriff Joe held a news conference regarding his investigation into the validity of Obama's birth certificate and selective service registration card. His investigation alleged that they were likely both a forgery [Read full story on].
A couple of weeks later on March 16, Sheriff Joe made headlines again with an appearance on the Roger Hedgecok Show. According to a World Net Daily report on March 21, Arpaio stated on air, "We got tons of other information that could be very shocking, too, but I’m sticking now with just the [forgery] investigation and possible criminal violations.” And if that statement wasn't enough to get you up in arms, Arpaio further stated this was "probably the biggest censorship blackout in the history of the United States," proving that he may not be the history buff we all thought he was.
The Bible prophecy connection
So how does this controversial investigation relate to Bible prophecy? No, President Obama is not the Anti-Christ, (although there have been those who have argued this belief with some interesting points). However, I do believe this controversy proves the point that when people are hurting and desperate for "hope and change" they are willing to listen and follow anyone who offers them "salvation" and tells them what they want to hear, regardless of whether they have the "proper" documentation to do the job.
The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:
3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Although this passage is speaking specifically about teachers within the church, it is a principle that can be applied in all arenas of life, even politics. Throughout history people have looked for and followed leaders who will tell them what they want to hear. It happened during Old Testament times when kings and commoners brought in false prophets because they liked their words of hope and encouragement; it happened in 2008 with the election of Barack Obama; and it will happen in the future when the Anti-Christ rises to world power because he offers what the people want, which will be peace in a world wracked by tribulation.
It's time to WAKE UP and stop looking for salvation from our human leaders, teachers, and politicians, and realize that true salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Examiner 03-16-2012: Apple's new ipad and what it says about the End Times
File this one under iCool but iAin't cheap!
Apple lovers from around the valley are flocking to their nearest Ipad dealer to buy the newest Ipad that was released today, March 16, 2012. It is being referred to as the "new Ipad" (because to call it the Ipad 3 would just be too predictable). This newest version of the Ipad has a sharper screen, faster processer, and better camera, but will weigh a bit more. Morever, the fine folks at Apple have decided to not just give us a better Ipad this time but they will give it to us at the same price as the Ipad 2 and will drop the pricetag on the Ipad 2. Click here for all the details.
So what does the new Ipad relate to Bible Prophecy? Does the Bible specifically prophesy that in the future people would be spending hundreds of dollars for small handheld computers? Well, although the Bible doesn't get that specific it does mention that technology will increase during in the End Times. The Old Testament Prophet, Daniel, was given many revelations as to what the end of time would entail. One of those revelations given by God to Daniel is found in Daniel 12:1-4
1 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”
There is no doubt that human knowledge and technology is increasing exponentially every year and in some cases within months and weeks. Apple is just one of many companies whose technology is continually increasing. And since we are on the topic of Apple, it is an interesting observation that the Apple logo depicts an image of a bitten apple. Does this remind you of an ancient story? How about the story of Adam and Eve, found in Genesis 2? The bitten apple represented the fall of man and according to the story of the Bible, it's this Fall of mankind that has brought evil and destruction into the world as we know it today. But God, through the Bible's many prophecies, has shown us that He will one day restore us and our world. It's time to WAKE UP! and realize that we have very little time left.
But if you would still like to get the new IPAD before that happens click here to find a list of Apple Stores in the Metro Phoenix Area.
Apple lovers from around the valley are flocking to their nearest Ipad dealer to buy the newest Ipad that was released today, March 16, 2012. It is being referred to as the "new Ipad" (because to call it the Ipad 3 would just be too predictable). This newest version of the Ipad has a sharper screen, faster processer, and better camera, but will weigh a bit more. Morever, the fine folks at Apple have decided to not just give us a better Ipad this time but they will give it to us at the same price as the Ipad 2 and will drop the pricetag on the Ipad 2. Click here for all the details.
So what does the new Ipad relate to Bible Prophecy? Does the Bible specifically prophesy that in the future people would be spending hundreds of dollars for small handheld computers? Well, although the Bible doesn't get that specific it does mention that technology will increase during in the End Times. The Old Testament Prophet, Daniel, was given many revelations as to what the end of time would entail. One of those revelations given by God to Daniel is found in Daniel 12:1-4
1 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”
There is no doubt that human knowledge and technology is increasing exponentially every year and in some cases within months and weeks. Apple is just one of many companies whose technology is continually increasing. And since we are on the topic of Apple, it is an interesting observation that the Apple logo depicts an image of a bitten apple. Does this remind you of an ancient story? How about the story of Adam and Eve, found in Genesis 2? The bitten apple represented the fall of man and according to the story of the Bible, it's this Fall of mankind that has brought evil and destruction into the world as we know it today. But God, through the Bible's many prophecies, has shown us that He will one day restore us and our world. It's time to WAKE UP! and realize that we have very little time left.
But if you would still like to get the new IPAD before that happens click here to find a list of Apple Stores in the Metro Phoenix Area.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Examiner 03-13-2012: Peyton Manning and his Titan decision
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Peyton Manning to become a Titan? |
File this one under big money and high hopes.
On March 7, 2012, Peyton Manning’s much anticipated departure from the Indianapolis Colts was announced and now the media frenzy has been kicked into high gear following what could be the biggest NFL story of the year - where will Peyton Manning restart his NFL career?
For Arizona fans, this weekend, March 11, was filled with high hopes as he met with the Arizona Cardinal coaching staff and Head Coach Ken Whisenhunt. At the time Arizona and the Denver Broncos were the only teams in contention to sign this NFL Superstar. However, as of March 13, there are now four other teams with high hopes of landing Manning: the Miami Dolphins, the Tennessee Titans, the San Francisco 49ers, and the Houston Texans.
There is no doubt the sports world is rife with speculation as to which team will sign Manning and much, if not all, of this speculation is based on NFL stats and/or insider knowledge. But is it possible that the team he chooses could have a Biblically prophetic connection? Perhaps, here's why.
Throughout the Bible God using allegorical imagery and situations to declare His Word to His people and let them know what the future holds or what the status of affairs are, so to speak. We see many of the Old Testament prophets, such as Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Hosea, who were given these allegorical images and situations to help the people understand. Even Jesus Himself, used parables and pictures (e.g. the fig tree) to warn the people of the future. And thus, if God never changes, it stands to reason that these allegorical images and situations can still be given to us today.
In Matthew 24:36-41, Jesus states:
36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
What was it like in the days of Noah? Well we know from Genesis 6 and other supplemental sources such as the Book of Enoch that the land before the flood was inhabited by the Nephilim. These giants were progeny of the Fallen Angels and human women. There is little doubt that we are living in the End Times and right before the coming of the Son of Man, thus one could say we are living right now in the Days of Noah.
Now, connect this Days of Noah prophecy with the image of Peyton Manning if he chooses to sign with the Tennessee Titans.
We know Peyton's brother Eli Manning plays for the New York Giants (who happened to win the Superbowl in Indiana this year, Peyton's old stomping grounds). Giants = Nephilim. Moreover, in mythology, the Titans were a race of powerful deities who lived long ago and who of which some Bible teachers believe were actually Fallen Angels. Titans = Fallen Angels. So wouldn't it be an interesting prophetic image to have the two Manning brothers playing for the Giants and the Titans - two words that hearken back to the days of Noah before the flood?
Is God showing us that we are living in the Days of Noah? One thing is for sure though, no matter what team Peyton Manning chooses, the media frenzy has proven that football is a very important matter in our country. But Bible prophecy tells us there is something even more important than football - that is eternal life. It's time to WAKE UP and realize that time is short and we must make a decision as to what team we will play on for eternity.
UPDATE: On March 20, Peyton Manning was introduced as a Denver Bronco. Interestingly enough, the choice to play for Denver also holds Biblically prophetic imagery. Last season, "God's Quarterback", Tim Tebow of the Denver Broncos, was the hot topic in the media. Anyone and everyone knew who Tebow was and what he stood (i.e. Christianity). Now with Manning headed to Denver the days of Tebow are numbered. In a similar way, the Bible prophesies that in the near future when the Anti-Christ takes control of the world (Revelation 13), the days of being an open confessing Christian will be numbered.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Examiner 03-7-2012: The Phoenix Lights and what it says about the End Times
File this one under mysterious but true.
On March 13, 1997, something mysterious happened in Phoenix that would ultimately change the beliefs of some residents forever as to whether we are alone in the universe. In the late evening between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm MST, multiple witnesses claimed to have seen mysterious glowing lights in a V-shaped pattern which seemed to hover in the night sky.
This phenomenon later become known as the Phoenix Lights and will celebrate its 15th anniversary this year. To this day there is still no official explanation for their origin. And although there are several "scientific" explanations as to their appearance, at least two prominent Arizonans believe that there is a more "supernatural" explanation.
Fife Symington, Arizona's governor at the time, went on record 10 years later, in an AP article featured on MSNBC, claiming that he believed the Lights were an "alien spacecraft" and stating that "you could just tell it was otherworldy."
Yet perhaps the most vocal advocate of the Phoenix Lights is author and lecturer Dr. Lynne Kitei, M.D. With just a quick glance of her website, it is evident that Dr. Kitei (who by the way, for all you trivia buffs out there, played Florence Arizona in the 1987 movie Raising Arizona starring Nicholas Cage) believes that these lights were some type of UFO. And just in case you don't believe her she has the book and documentary to prove it!
Based on the Governor and the good doctor's opinions, along with a host of other eye-witnesses, it is apparent the general consensus is that these Lights are connected somehow to the UFO phenomenon. Yet what does the Bible have to say about this event, if anything? Oddly enough, the Bible may be more in agreement with these viewpoints than you may think.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, the Apostle Paul writes to the Church of Thessolonica concerning the End Times:
Just what is this powerful delusion? Some Bible teachers believe this powerful delusion could come in the form of an "alien" visitation to our planet during a time of upheaval. However, they go on to teach that rather than true extraterrestrial aliens, these beings will be interdimensional Fallen Angels masquerading as aliens. They believe that this inevitable event will help our world transition from a multitude of people groups with different beliefs and cultures to a more unified One World Government system in which the Anti-Christ will be able to take control.
This theory may sound far out but when you realize that the whole UFO phenomenon can be linked to the Days of Noah, as recorded in the Bible (Genesis 6) and the Book of Enoch (chapters 7 and 8), as well as the UFO pehnomenon's link to the occult workings of Aleister Crowley, it becomes a little more down to earth and reasonable.
Are we being prepared for an inevitable disclosure event through our media and culture saturated with this Alien/UFO meme? It's time to WAKE UP!
**To celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Phoenix Lights, Scottsdale Harkins Shea will be showing the 2005 documentary “Phoenix Lights: We Are Not Alone” on March 11, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. Click here for more info.
If you have the time, here are some interesting quotes I have pulled about the Phoenix Lights from the following Source: Phoenix Lights Ten Years and Counting, UFO Magazine, March 2007 pp32-45
“It is also important not to freak people out about the compelling evidence confirming that we are not alone.
The bottom line is that we are being visited by something, and whoever has been visiting us here in Arizona—and around the globe at an increasing frequency—is doing it in a gentle way. Nobody was hurt.
“In ten years of hundreds if not thousands of people reporting their experiences on March 13, 1997, there has not been one report of harm, threat, or abduction connected with the mass sighting event. Quite the contrary. Witnesses were in awe, excited, even grateful to have had such an extraordinary experience. That’s pretty significant when you think about it.” pg 34
Rebecca Hardcastle, who has a long academic background in theology and philosophy and works as a hypnotherapist and life coach as well as counseling people who have had paranormal experiences. In 2005 Hardcastle taught a course in extraterrestrial reality at Scottsdale Community College...Hardcastle radiates enthusiasm about this tenth year anniversary of the Phoenix Lights. “I really believe in my heart,”
she said, “that Phoenix is a global, if not a universal, center of influence and portal of contact. This whole area always has been, is today, and always will be playing that role in terms of contact.” Hardcastle explained that we were in the Christian season of the Epiphany, which commemorates the time when the three Wise Men journeyed to find Christ by following a star. “That whole phenomenon,” she continued, “philosophically, religiously, spiritually—human beings want to follow stars. They want to follow anything that comes out of the skies. pg 34
The night of March 13 also brought it with other strange events, which Dilettoso said he finds very interesting.
For instance, he recalled reading an article in the July 1997 issue of Scientific American that reported bursts
of gamma radiation, a very unusual phenomenon, were detected by the Hubble Telescope that same March evening. The gamma radiation was eventually traced back to somewhere within our own solar system, and Dilettoso wonders if the extraterrestrials may travel as an energy field that gathers mass and momentum as they arrive here on earth. Also on March 13, 1997, then-president Bill Clinton fell down and broke his knee while visiting the home of golfer Greg Norman. “Clinton had to be hurried away in a helicopter,” Dilettoso said, “and kept at Bethesda Naval Hospital underground for over two days. There were press conferences showing diagrams of all the surgery that was going to have to be done and how long it was going to last and why he had to cancel his big meeting in Sarajevo with the prime minister of Russia. “A few days later he’s walking around and he’s okay. It never came up again.” Government secrecy theorists might be easily led to the conclusion that the broken knee was a cover story designed to hide the perceived need to get the
commander-in-chief to safety in the wake of the unnerving events happening out in the Southwest desert.
Another strange incident Dilettoso related involved an A-10 fighter pilot who had been scrambled to investigate the lights in the sky of unknown origin on March 13. A member of the pilot’s ground crew even called Peter Davenport at the National UFO Reporting Center, and he appeared to be very shaken by what was happening. Several months later, the aforementioned pilot was flying in formation with two other fighter jets between Phoenix and Flagstaff. “He broke formation and flew northeast towards Colorado,” Dilettoso said. “He disappeared from radar. No radio contact. He did not respond. “About two days later, his plane, in bits and pieces, was found slammed into a mountain. They interviewed his family, his crewmates, everyone who knew him, and they said, ‘Hey, this is a rock solid guy. We don’t have any idea what he was thinking when he did that.’ ” Still another March 13 event involved a satellite, manufactured in Chandler, Arizona, by the American Satellite Company. “The satellite went dark and missing,” Dilettoso said, “never to be found. The number of unusual things that happened that same night puts this in a breadbasket of paradox.” pg 36
“I’ve never said what they are,” Dr. Lynne said, “only that they are. It’s not just an ET possibility. There are interdimensional possibilities, intelligences, spirit-world possibilities, time-traveler possibilities. There could be a combination of all these possibilities. pg 36
Terry Mansfield witnessed the life-changing events first-hand
Somewhere out there, Mansfield realized, there was life in the universe. And the presence of that object over her head—literally only hundreds of feet above her—meant that life in the universe had come to her. She and her guests and all of Phoenix, for that matter, had suddenly been put in touch with a great link of all creation. There were others out there, not just humans, but other species. And in that moment, Terri Mansfield had been touched by them. It was a feeling of genuine awe for the vast presence of life and her connection to it.
Mansfield reiterated that the feelings of peace and joy she experienced when she saw the object floating above had completely overwhelmed her. She said she had a sensation that not only was everything right with the world, but that she had made a connection with a larger presence. She said that the sighting reaffirmed her commitment to work for peace and to establish institutions that would seek peaceful resolutions to conflict. As part of her work since her sighting, Terri has campaigned for the establishment of a U.S. cabinet-level position called the Department of Peace, whose secretary would be in charge of seeking nonviolent resolutions to conflict. Since that night, Terri has not ceased to marvel at the opportunity she had to participate in the Phoenix encounters. As she continues her campaign for a Department of Peace, she recalls that it was the vision of the huge floating object in the Phoenix skies ten years ago that propelled her on her journey to work for peace around the world. pg 44-45
On March 13, 1997, something mysterious happened in Phoenix that would ultimately change the beliefs of some residents forever as to whether we are alone in the universe. In the late evening between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm MST, multiple witnesses claimed to have seen mysterious glowing lights in a V-shaped pattern which seemed to hover in the night sky.
This phenomenon later become known as the Phoenix Lights and will celebrate its 15th anniversary this year. To this day there is still no official explanation for their origin. And although there are several "scientific" explanations as to their appearance, at least two prominent Arizonans believe that there is a more "supernatural" explanation.
Fife Symington, Arizona's governor at the time, went on record 10 years later, in an AP article featured on MSNBC, claiming that he believed the Lights were an "alien spacecraft" and stating that "you could just tell it was otherworldy."
Yet perhaps the most vocal advocate of the Phoenix Lights is author and lecturer Dr. Lynne Kitei, M.D. With just a quick glance of her website, it is evident that Dr. Kitei (who by the way, for all you trivia buffs out there, played Florence Arizona in the 1987 movie Raising Arizona starring Nicholas Cage) believes that these lights were some type of UFO. And just in case you don't believe her she has the book and documentary to prove it!
Based on the Governor and the good doctor's opinions, along with a host of other eye-witnesses, it is apparent the general consensus is that these Lights are connected somehow to the UFO phenomenon. Yet what does the Bible have to say about this event, if anything? Oddly enough, the Bible may be more in agreement with these viewpoints than you may think.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, the Apostle Paul writes to the Church of Thessolonica concerning the End Times:
9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Just what is this powerful delusion? Some Bible teachers believe this powerful delusion could come in the form of an "alien" visitation to our planet during a time of upheaval. However, they go on to teach that rather than true extraterrestrial aliens, these beings will be interdimensional Fallen Angels masquerading as aliens. They believe that this inevitable event will help our world transition from a multitude of people groups with different beliefs and cultures to a more unified One World Government system in which the Anti-Christ will be able to take control.
This theory may sound far out but when you realize that the whole UFO phenomenon can be linked to the Days of Noah, as recorded in the Bible (Genesis 6) and the Book of Enoch (chapters 7 and 8), as well as the UFO pehnomenon's link to the occult workings of Aleister Crowley, it becomes a little more down to earth and reasonable.
Are we being prepared for an inevitable disclosure event through our media and culture saturated with this Alien/UFO meme? It's time to WAKE UP!
**To celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Phoenix Lights, Scottsdale Harkins Shea will be showing the 2005 documentary “Phoenix Lights: We Are Not Alone” on March 11, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. Click here for more info.
If you have the time, here are some interesting quotes I have pulled about the Phoenix Lights from the following Source: Phoenix Lights Ten Years and Counting, UFO Magazine, March 2007 pp32-45
“It is also important not to freak people out about the compelling evidence confirming that we are not alone.
The bottom line is that we are being visited by something, and whoever has been visiting us here in Arizona—and around the globe at an increasing frequency—is doing it in a gentle way. Nobody was hurt.
“In ten years of hundreds if not thousands of people reporting their experiences on March 13, 1997, there has not been one report of harm, threat, or abduction connected with the mass sighting event. Quite the contrary. Witnesses were in awe, excited, even grateful to have had such an extraordinary experience. That’s pretty significant when you think about it.” pg 34
Rebecca Hardcastle, who has a long academic background in theology and philosophy and works as a hypnotherapist and life coach as well as counseling people who have had paranormal experiences. In 2005 Hardcastle taught a course in extraterrestrial reality at Scottsdale Community College...Hardcastle radiates enthusiasm about this tenth year anniversary of the Phoenix Lights. “I really believe in my heart,”
she said, “that Phoenix is a global, if not a universal, center of influence and portal of contact. This whole area always has been, is today, and always will be playing that role in terms of contact.” Hardcastle explained that we were in the Christian season of the Epiphany, which commemorates the time when the three Wise Men journeyed to find Christ by following a star. “That whole phenomenon,” she continued, “philosophically, religiously, spiritually—human beings want to follow stars. They want to follow anything that comes out of the skies. pg 34
The night of March 13 also brought it with other strange events, which Dilettoso said he finds very interesting.
For instance, he recalled reading an article in the July 1997 issue of Scientific American that reported bursts
of gamma radiation, a very unusual phenomenon, were detected by the Hubble Telescope that same March evening. The gamma radiation was eventually traced back to somewhere within our own solar system, and Dilettoso wonders if the extraterrestrials may travel as an energy field that gathers mass and momentum as they arrive here on earth. Also on March 13, 1997, then-president Bill Clinton fell down and broke his knee while visiting the home of golfer Greg Norman. “Clinton had to be hurried away in a helicopter,” Dilettoso said, “and kept at Bethesda Naval Hospital underground for over two days. There were press conferences showing diagrams of all the surgery that was going to have to be done and how long it was going to last and why he had to cancel his big meeting in Sarajevo with the prime minister of Russia. “A few days later he’s walking around and he’s okay. It never came up again.” Government secrecy theorists might be easily led to the conclusion that the broken knee was a cover story designed to hide the perceived need to get the
commander-in-chief to safety in the wake of the unnerving events happening out in the Southwest desert.
Another strange incident Dilettoso related involved an A-10 fighter pilot who had been scrambled to investigate the lights in the sky of unknown origin on March 13. A member of the pilot’s ground crew even called Peter Davenport at the National UFO Reporting Center, and he appeared to be very shaken by what was happening. Several months later, the aforementioned pilot was flying in formation with two other fighter jets between Phoenix and Flagstaff. “He broke formation and flew northeast towards Colorado,” Dilettoso said. “He disappeared from radar. No radio contact. He did not respond. “About two days later, his plane, in bits and pieces, was found slammed into a mountain. They interviewed his family, his crewmates, everyone who knew him, and they said, ‘Hey, this is a rock solid guy. We don’t have any idea what he was thinking when he did that.’ ” Still another March 13 event involved a satellite, manufactured in Chandler, Arizona, by the American Satellite Company. “The satellite went dark and missing,” Dilettoso said, “never to be found. The number of unusual things that happened that same night puts this in a breadbasket of paradox.” pg 36
“I’ve never said what they are,” Dr. Lynne said, “only that they are. It’s not just an ET possibility. There are interdimensional possibilities, intelligences, spirit-world possibilities, time-traveler possibilities. There could be a combination of all these possibilities. pg 36
Terry Mansfield witnessed the life-changing events first-hand
Somewhere out there, Mansfield realized, there was life in the universe. And the presence of that object over her head—literally only hundreds of feet above her—meant that life in the universe had come to her. She and her guests and all of Phoenix, for that matter, had suddenly been put in touch with a great link of all creation. There were others out there, not just humans, but other species. And in that moment, Terri Mansfield had been touched by them. It was a feeling of genuine awe for the vast presence of life and her connection to it.
Mansfield reiterated that the feelings of peace and joy she experienced when she saw the object floating above had completely overwhelmed her. She said she had a sensation that not only was everything right with the world, but that she had made a connection with a larger presence. She said that the sighting reaffirmed her commitment to work for peace and to establish institutions that would seek peaceful resolutions to conflict. As part of her work since her sighting, Terri has campaigned for the establishment of a U.S. cabinet-level position called the Department of Peace, whose secretary would be in charge of seeking nonviolent resolutions to conflict. Since that night, Terri has not ceased to marvel at the opportunity she had to participate in the Phoenix encounters. As she continues her campaign for a Department of Peace, she recalls that it was the vision of the huge floating object in the Phoenix skies ten years ago that propelled her on her journey to work for peace around the world. pg 44-45
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Examiner 03-01-2012: What the execution of Arizona's 29th death row inmate says about the End Times
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Robert Henry Moorman |
File this one under demented but true.
Ironically, on Wednesday, February 29, 2012, at the State Prison in Florence, Arizona executed its 29th death row inmate since 1992. (To see the full list of executed inmates click here.)
His name was Robert Henry Moorman, 63,and he was executed by lethal injection for stabbing and suffocating (and methodically dismembering) his 74-year old adoptive mother, Roberta Moorman back on January 13, 1984. And to make this story even more interesting (and ironic for that matter), he committed this vile act while on a 3-day “Compassionate Furlough” from the State Prison in Florence where he was serving 9 years to life for kidnapping and molesting his 8-year old neighbor girl in 1972. (To find out more of the sordid details read the entire article from
This story is a perfect example of what the Apostle Paul spoke about concerning the End Times when he wrote 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
This story is an ultimate of example of where disobedience to parents can lead to -- committing a heinous act brutally without love or self-control, which could eventually land you on death row. So what could make a man kill his own mother, albeit an adoptive mother? Some may blame it on the years of sexual abuse he suffered at the hand of his mother, as reported in the article from
However, according to the Bible, no one is able to blame someone else for their sin. We are all responsible for our own sin (see Ezekiel 18:4). Further, one day at the end of time as we know it, we will all face judgment for each action and decision that we make according to Revelation 20:11.
11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. 15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.
Unfortunately, this story is just the tip of the iceberg of when it comes to what the human soul is capable of doing. What kind of world are we living in? Well, according to the Bible, everything in our world is totally corrupted due to sin. As we quickly approach the end of time, it’s time for us to WAKE UP and make a decision as to what path we will choose before it’s too late.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Examiner 02-29-2012: Bestiality and the End Times
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The Terrible Threesome |
File this one under repulsive but true.
On Monday night Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested a Chandler couple and self-proclaimed “swingers” Shane Walker, 38, and Sarah Dae Walker, 33, along with their friend Robert Aucker, 29, of Gilbert, charging them with an attempt to commit an act of bestiality with a dog. (Yes, surprisingly enough, even in our day and age of acceptance and tolerance, bestiality is still illegal in a few states with Arizona being one of them where it is considered a felony.)
The threesome was arrested in an undercover operation when they arrived at the location where they thought they were just moments away from fulfilling their dreams – literally.
According to an article on, Aucker tried to set up the illicit rendezvous via Craigslist after being told by Sarah Walker that she had dreams of having sex with a dog. The two men planned to watch the act as it was performed. And because immorality sometimes enjoys company, they even invited the owner of the dog to watch (too late to realize that the owner was actually an undercover detective).
As disturbing as this story is, what is even more disconcerting (and relative to this discussion), is the fact that all three admitted to taking part in this perverse activity! Where is the embarrassment or shame? The answer is found in the Bible. Romans 1:18-32 states:
18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
We see that this behavior is nothing new and has been around since ancient times. All one has to do is go back to law given by God to Moses to realize that this was an issue millennia ago (See, Leviticus 18:23, 20:15-16). However, the Bible prophesies that we will see this kind of behavior occur more frequently and with more intensity during the Biblical End Times.
The Apostle Paul writes the following in 2 Timothy 3:1-5:
1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
Therefore, look for this behavior to continue to increase as we approach nearer to the day of the Lord. It’s time to WAKE UP!
Friday, January 13, 2012
12b. The Black Awakening (Vampires/Werewolves) and the New World Order
The Twilight Phenomenon
I remember seeing some ladies at work reading these books back in 2008; Four years later, I practically see everyone reading these books...and now watching the movies! What is it that makes Twilight such a phenomenon in a similar fashion as the Harry Potter series? I think there is more than meets the eye in this series. I believe there is a spiritual component to this craze. Here are some articles that help explain my thoughts on this further.
Stephenie Meyer: 12 of My 'Twilight' Inspirations
What's Behind the Twilight Craze?
A Girl and Her vampire: the frenzy over twilight
Stephenie Meyer Reveals Details of New Dream About Edward Cullen
The "Twilight" Phenomena
'Twilight' of the West – Films with Demonic Influence?
Twilight Breakdown: 'Girl Porn' and the Books of Mormon
The Pro-Life Leader Who Is Also an Exorcist
12a. The Black Awakening and the New World Order
The Black Awakening is a theory that describes what some believe to be a time in the near future where millions of people who have been "conditioned" by satanic mind control will be "awakened" (or rather their alternate personalities awakened) to create a chaos through killing sprees greater than this world has ever seen. They believe that this time of chaos will set the stage for the New World Order and provide the opportunity for the Anti-Christ to rise to power.
With this particular viewpoint in mind, the following news reports seem to take on a whole different perspective. Could these horrific incidences be forerunners to the coming Black Awakening?
[Source: My Fox Phoenix, June 20, 2009]
Police say that 29-year-old Michael Miller stabbed his wife and 10-year-old daughter to death. His 4-year-old son survived being stabbed 11 times. Michael Miller told police he tucked his son into bed the night before, and said a prayer together asking God to keep them safe. Then, the next morning, he told a 911 dispatcher, "I just killed my family with a knife. All of them. All three of them." Miller told detectives he was possessed and he visualized his wife, Adreana Miller, as a demon. Just before stabbing her at 4 a.m., he told police he started screaming lyrics from an Eminem song, saying, "Here comes Satan, I'm the anti-Christ, I'm going to kill you."...When asked if he had ever had these types of thoughts before, he said, "Never... It just hit me like a brick in the face. I don't even know why I did it."
[Source: MSNBC, November 5, 2009]
An Army psychiatrist who opened fire at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 12 people and wounding 31 others, was shot but captured alive, military officials said late Thursday. The gunman, identified as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, was wounded at the scene but was captured alive and was in stable condition, Lt. Gen. Robert W. Cone, commanding general of the Army’s III Corps, said at a press conference late Thursday. Eleven of the victims died at the scene, military officials said. A 12th died later at a hospital, NBC station KCEN-TV of Waco reported. Cone said that most of those who were shot were military but two were civilians.
RELATED: AWOL Soldier Arrested in What Police Say Was New Fort Hood Terror Plot [Source: Fox News, July 28, 2011]
[Source: New York Times, January 4, 2010]
66 year-old Johnny L. Wicks opened fire with a shotgun, in a Las Vegas Federal Courthouse Security Lobby today around 8:00 a.m. killing a security officer and injuring a US Marshal. Some reports state that the gunman held a grudge with the Social Security Administration. Some Court authorities chased the gunman from the building and the gunman was shot in the head and died on a sidewalk in front of a historic school that has been converted to an office building. Interestingly enough, the courthouse houses the office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
[Source: AP via Fox News, February 3, 2010]
A 22-year-old woman stabbed her two young sons to death, then calmly held her wrists out to police officers who arrived at her home and said "I killed my babies," authorities said...Colon was waiting outside her home when officers arrived Tuesday evening and put her hands behind her back as they approached, police said. When an officer asked "What happened?", Colon allegedly responded with, "I killed my babies."...The attack occurred less than three miles from the home where prosecutors say a woman decapitated and butchered her 3-week-old boy last summer. The woman, Otty Sanchez, is charged with capital murder. On Colon's street, neighbor Angelica Puentes, 34, said she had talked to the woman a couple of times and said she seemed like she was in a daze.
[Source: Los Angeles Times, May 4, 2010]
RELATED: Man accused of stabbing random Dallas shopper [Source:, May 18, 2012]: Police say Antowann Davis, 30, walked into the Target on Marsh Lane around 9:15 p.m. Thursday and took a butcher knife out of its packaging in the kitchen department. Martha Jones, 29, said she was browsing inside the store when Davis walked past her and shoved the knife into her lower back.A woman wielding two knives went on a rampage Monday at a Target store in West Hollywood, stabbing four shoppers in an apparently random attack that left one victim in critical condition, authorities said. Detectives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department are still trying to determine a reason for the attack.
[Source: Washington Post, January 20, 2010]
RELATED: Explosives at Va. shooting suspect’s home [Source: AP via MSNBC, January 20, 2010].39 year-old Christopher Speight is being sought as a suspect in a horrific tragedy where 8 people were killed; the worst attack since the 2007 Virginia Tech Shooting. Police believe that the shooting centered on a domestic dispute. Samuel Carter, Jr., vice chairman of the Appomattox County Board of Supervisors said that he was not aware of any trouble in the family and understood the victims involved in the shootings were good citizens. My question is, how did the Board of Supervisors know anything about Mr. Speight? Did he know Mr. Speight or have a connection with him somehow? This story may possibly have more information than has been presented.
[Source: Wall Street Journal, February 13, 2010]
RELATED: ‘Oddball’ portrait of Amy Bishop emerges [Source: Boston Herald, February 15, 2010].A biology professor at the University of Alabama's Huntsville campus was charged with murder Friday in the shooting deaths of three fellow biology professors at the campus. Authorities say Amy Bishop, an instructor and researcher at the University of Alabama's Huntsville campus, opened fire during an afternoon faculty meeting, killing the three and injuring three other school employees. Ms. Bishop has been charged with one count of capital murder, which means she could face the death penalty if convicted.
[Source: AP via Fox News, February 23, 2010]
A teacher [David Benke] tackled a man armed with a high-powered rifle just after two teenage students [male and female] were shot at a suburban Denver middle school that's just [3] miles [SW] from Columbine High School...The suspect's name hasn't been released, but authorities say he's 32 years old and that he doesn't appear to have any connection to the school...authorities don't yet have a motive for the shootings.
[Source: New York Times, March 9, 2010]
An Ohio State University custodian [Nathaniel Brown, 51]who had been told he was being fired killed a co-worker [Larry Wallington, 48, a building services manager] and wounded another [Henry Butler, 60, an operations shift leader] before killing himself early Tuesday morning [3:30 a.m.] at a university maintenance building, officials said...The university released documents indicating that Mr. Brown’s supervisors had complained that he was often late to work, frequently slept on the job and refused to follow instructions. The university sent him a letter on March 2 informing him that he was being fired and that his last day of work would be Saturday...The shooting comes as several state legislatures are debating whether to ban guns on college campuses. NOTE: Anytime I see these types of shootings, especially in Ohio, I am reminded of the work of Russ Dizdar and his theory on the Black Awakening. In short, the Black Awakening is a coming time of mass chaos and murder carried out by occult programmed multiples whose job it will be to usher in the reign of the Antichrist. Russ Dizdar is from Ohio and has therefore talked about how he has seen firsthand the Spirit of Darkness that is in the Ohio area.
[Source: The Times Standard via Contra Costa Times, May 27, 2010]
Witnesses in Del Norte County Superior Court...laid out a chaotic series of events surrounding a March [21st] killing in Klamath, weaving a twisted picture of a drug-filled night that led to the alleged torture and slaying of a 21-year-old Crescent City man. The accounts of the night are clouded by statements made by the four people in the house at the time of the incident or leading up to it, all of whom are believed to have taken psychedelic mushrooms. The victim and the suspect, according to the testimony, became preoccupied with the idea that a tidal wave was coming, that the end of the world was upon them and that a struggle between God and the devil was taking place....there was sufficient evidence to hold Jarrod Wyatt, 26, in the alleged murder of his friend Taylor Powell. Wyatt will also have to answer to charges of aggravated mayhem and torture. [Officer] Lee testified that he saw a man, later identified as Wyatt, standing near a body on a couch, naked and covered from head to toe in what appeared to be dried blood. Wyatt said, ”I killed him,” Lee said. Lee was able to cuff Wyatt without incident, and then he proceeded to look at the body on the couch. The body had had the majority of its face removed, and an 18-inch incision in its chest cavity. Lee said that he did not attempt first aid because he could see the man was dead.” At one point,” Lee said, “(Wyatt) asked if we were God, or if we were God coming to save him.” Lee said that Wyatt said he'd cut out Powell's tongue, and that he'd removed his heart. He also mentioned that there had been a “big fight” in the kitchen. Wyatt told him that when he'd looked at Powell's face he'd seen the devil, Lee said. [Wyatt] said that he'd cooked Powell's body parts in the wood stove at the Fizer Road residence. Wyatt told him that he had been tormented by spirits in the house, Fleshman said. Lee said that in a second interview shortly afterward, Wyatt told him that Powell had told him that the world was coming to an end. During an altercation, Wyatt told him, Powell had him in a chokehold from behind and that Wyatt felt he couldn't get up. The two had trained in mixed martial arts together, Lee said Wyatt told him. In continued rambling, Lee said that Wyatt told him that “Satan was in that dude.” Lee said that Wyatt told him he'd done some bad things, and that he'd cut Powell's heart out and burned it because he felt that Powell was still alive and he was trying to “stop the devil.”
[Source: AFP via Google News, June 1, 2010]
RELATED: A woman armed with a knife went on the rampage on an overnight passenger train in northeastern China, stabbing and wounding nine people as they slept, state media reported on Wednesday. The attack, which occurred in the early morning Tuesday on a train in Heilongjiang province, is the latest in a wave of violent attacks by lone assailants that has shocked the country. The woman, who was not identified, went from berth to berth stabbing sleeping passengers until she was wrestled to the ground and restrained by other travellers, said Dongbei, a news website covering China's northeast. The woman was estimated by witnesses to be about 40 years old, but no other details about her were provided.
Man arrested in Japan after wounding 13 people on a bus [Source: CNN, December 17, 2010]
Police Identify Suspect in Canada Bus Stabbing, Decapitation; Friends Identify Victim [Source: AP via Fox News, August 1, 2008].
[Source: Telegraph, June 2, 2010]
Derrick Bird, a taxi driver, drove down the west coast in a three and a half-hour rampage blasting passers-by at random. Some reports suggested he had beckoned victims over to his car before shooting them at point blank range, while other witnesses described seeing Bird driving down the road pointing his gun out of the window.
[Source: Telegraph, July 26, 2010]
Six members of a Satanic cult were jailed for up to 20 years in Russia on Monday for four murders [of teenagers in 2008] in which they "ritually sacrificed", dismembered and then ate their teenage victims in a forest..."with the aim of carrying out an initiation ritual into a sect and of desecrating the bodies of the dead,"...The court hearings were held behind closed doors due to the horrific nature of the crimes and because of the involvement of minors.
[Source: AP via Seattle Times, July 26, 2010]
A jury rejected an insanity defense and found a south Texas man guilty of capital murder Monday for beheading his common-law wife's three children in 2003. John Allen Rubio, 29, of Brownsville, showed no reaction when guilty verdicts were returned for each of the four counts of capital murder. Each count reflects one death, and the fourth covers all three...Police discovered the bodies of 3-year-old Julissa Quesada, 14-month-old John E. Rubio and 2-month-old Mary Jane Rubio on March 11, 2003, in a squalid Brownsville apartment...Rubio told police he killed the children, and evidence showed he made increasingly ferocious attempts - strangling and stabbing them, then finally cutting off their heads. Rubio said first that the children were possessed and later claimed he was the "chosen one" intended to save the world, according to testimony.
[Source: Fox News, August 3, 2010]
NOTE: The rampage was the nation's deadliest since 13 people were fatally shot at Fort Hood, Texas, last November.A Connecticut official says nine people have died and two were wounded in a shooting at a beer distribution warehouse in Connecticut...Police sources identified the gunman as Omar S. Thornton, whose body was found inside the warehouse where the shooting took place...the shooting may have been racially motivated...[and] occurred shortly before 7:30 a.m. at the Manchester facilities of Hartford Distributors, one of the state's largest beer and wine distribution companies.
[Source: CBS New York, August 13, 2010]
Police: Bad blood preceded Kraft plant killings[Jose Rojas, 25] abruptly pushed a woman into the side of a moving New York City subway train, then told bystanders he couldn’t explain his behavior, authorities said. The woman [Ute Linhart] was hit but survived [and was hospitalized with broken ribs, a crushed sinus cavity and other injuries.] Rojas menaced another man on a Manhattan subway platform Wednesday night before walking up to Linhart, according to a court complaint.
[Source:, September 10, 2010]
A 43-year-old woman was charged with murder today in the deaths of two coworkers during a shooting rampage that erupted Thursday night at Kraft Foods baking plant in Northeast Philadelphia shortly after she had been suspended from her job and sent home. Police say Yvonne Hiller drove back to the plant and pointed her licensed .357 Magnum handgun at two unarmed security guards, forcing them to let her through the gate.
[Source: Daily Mail, Septenber 13, 2010]
A row over how his eggs had been cooked for breakfast is thought to have led a man to kill his wife, stepdaughter and three neighbours. Stanley Neace went on a rampage with a shotgun while in his pyjamas in a trailer park in the rural east of the U.S. state of Kentucky. Police officer Jody Sims said Neace, 47, killed his victims in two mobile homes before shooting himself at his home on Saturday.
[Source: CNN, September 24, 2010]
Five people were shot -- four fatally -- at a Seattle, Washington, home Thursday, according to police. Assistant Police Chief Jim Pugel told CNN that a relative of some of the victims who was not in the house believed that a 59-year-old woman, who was the mother of some of the victims, committed the shooting. He told CNN affiliate KOMO TV that the shooter was an Asian female, and that the three other victims are believed to be family members or relatives. Pugel also confirmed for CNN that the dead include two females believed to be in their late teens, a male believed to be in his 30s and the woman believed to be the shooter.
[Source:, September 28, 2010]
A gunman who police believe to be a University of Texas student fired about four rounds from an automatic weapon on the campus this morning before apparently fatally shooting himself in a library, Austin and UT police officials said.
[Source: Belfast Telegraph, October 23, 2010]
The baffling incident occurred when a wife woke to see her husband moving about naked in the room, police said. She began screaming 'it's the devil! it's the devil!', and the man ran into the other room where 11 others adults and children were watching television. One woman grabbed a knife and stabbed the man before others pushed him out through the front door. When the man forced his way back in, they all began screamed in terror and leapt from the balcony screaming 'Jesus! Jesus!' The naked man also leapt from the balcony, detectives said. A four-month old baby died in his mother's arms, while a two-year-old was critically injured in yesterday’s incident. Police said they had found no evidence of hallucinogenic drugs or unusual religious rituals.
[Source: Boston Herald, November 23, 2010]
Investigators trying to solve the mystery of how the mutilated body of a 16-year-old from North Carolina ended up dropped on a posh Milton lawn are asking Logan International Airport officials to probe if the boy was a stowaway on a jet.Police told the Herald on Friday Tisdale had severe head trauma — with some of his remains found in two places on the street — and his arms and legs were broken.
[Source: WPIX 11, November 23, 2010]
RELATED:Police say an "Ugly Betty" actor held his mother hostage and then murdered her with a samurai sword while screaming Bible passages Tuesday in Brooklyn.Neighbors identified the suspect as Haitian-American actor Michael L. Brea, who has had roles on the TV series "Ugly Betty" and movie "Step-Up 3-D." He was also the face of a campaign for the energy drink Coca-Cola: Full Throttle, according to Haiti Internet movie database website"I hear the brother chasing her [his mother] through the house and he's just saying a bunch of like [Bible] passages like, 'Repent, Repent, Repent,'" said neighbor Gregory Clare. "I heard him chasing her through the house and I hear a loud scream and so I have my father call the cops, call 911."
Officers described the crime scene as "extremely bloody" where the victim was discovered and immediately pronounced dead. She was identified as 55-year-old Yannick Brea.
Michael Brea, bit-part 'Ugly Betty' actor, says, 'I didn't kill her. I killed the demon inside her' [Source: NY Daily News, November 26, 2010]
[Source: AP via Yahoo News, December 20, 2010]
A bridegroom fatally shot his new wife, his best man and then himself after announcing to horrified guests that he had a "surprise" for them, authorities said Monday. Witnesses reported that 29-year-old Rogerio Damascena, a sales manager in Camaragibe, outside the northeastern Brazilian city of Recife, did not give any previous indication that anything was wrong at his wedding reception, police investigator Joao Brito said.
[Source: AP via NPR, January 7, 2011]
A man who claimed he was seeking the "portal to hell" repeatedly stabbed two women early Friday after they noticed misplaced items in their backyard and opened the door to a shed where he was staked out, law enforcement officials said. A neighbor jumped a fence after hearing the women scream and hit their assailant, 25-year-old Morgan Mesz, in the head with a baseball bat, ending the attacks, authorities said. The two women were seriously hurt. Mesz was charged with three counts of attempted murder and was being held on $1.5 million bail. Authorities did not know if Mesz had an attorney, and a phone number for him could not be found.The stabbings occurred at around 6 a.m. after the two women, ages 50 and 53, let their dog outside. They noticed contents of their shed strewn across the lawn, according to the Union County prosecutor's office. The shed door, though, was closed. Mesz, armed with a knife and hatchet, pounced on the pair after one woman opened the shed door, authorities said. Union Township Police Director Dan Zieser told the Star-Ledger of Newark that Mesz said he told them that he cleared out the shed as he sought the "portal to hell."
[Source: New York Daily News, February 12, 2011]
The knife-wielding madman who killed four people during a day-long rampage of stabbings, carjackings and hit-and-runs was nabbed in Times Square moments after he knifed a straphanger. "They had to die," Maksim Gelman, 23, confessed after being tackled by two transit cops and an off-duty detective about 9 a.m. yesterday, sources said. His arrest ended a one-man wave of breathless violence that spanned nearly 28 hours and two boroughs, fueled by rage at ex-flame and murder victim Yelena Bulchenko. Gelman, described as a druggie graffiti vandal, lashed out at innocent bystanders as he cut a bloody swath through the city with six knives - sparking a massive manhunt.
[Source:, June 6, 2011]
A 30-year-old man was sentenced to 30 years in prison for murdering a church music director who was found stabbed 92 times. Tommy Montgomery pleaded guilty, but mentally ill to murder on Monday. According to doctors, Montgomery suffered from depression and post traumatic stress disorder. Montgomery will serve the full sentence in the South Carolina Department of Corrections and will receive psychiatric treatment while in prison. According to Assistant Solicitors Burns Wetmore and Spencer Compton who prosecuted the case, the victim, Brandon Jamison, was the music director at the church that Montgomery attended. In the summer of 2009, Montgomery needed a place to stay, and Jamison allowed Montgomery to live in his apartment. Authorities say on the night of Dec. 7, 2009, Montgomery became enraged and attacked Jamison, stabbing him to death. An autopsy revealed that Jamison was stabbed 92 times which included several defensive wounds to the hands and 26 wounds to the back. According to investigators, after the stabbing, Montgomery stole Jamison's vehicle and fled the scene. Montgomery turned himself in at the North Charleston Police Department the next morning and confessed to killing Jamison...
[Source: New York Times, July 23, 2011]
The Norwegian man charged Saturday with a pair of attacks in Oslo that killed at least 92 people left behind a detailed manifesto outlining his preparations and calling for a Christian war to defend Europe against the threat of Muslim domination, according to Norwegian and American officials familiar with the investigation.As stunned Norwegians grappled with the deadliest attack in the country since World War II, a portrait began to emerge of the suspect, Anders Behring Breivik, 32. The police identified him as a right-wing fundamentalist Christian, while acquaintances described him as a gun-loving Norwegian obsessed with what he saw as the threats of multiculturalism and Muslim immigration.“We are not sure whether he was alone or had help,” a police official, Roger Andresen, said at a televised news conference. “What we know is that he is right wing and a Christian fundamentalist.”In the 1,500-page manifesto, posted on the Web hours before the attacks, Mr. Breivik recorded a day-by-day diary of months of planning for the attacks, and claimed to be part of a small group that intended to “seize political and military control of Western European countries and implement a cultural conservative political agenda.”He predicted a conflagration that would kill or injure more than a million people, adding, “The time for dialogue is over. We gave peace a chance. The time for armed resistance has come.”The manifesto was signed Andrew Berwick, an Anglicized version of his name. A former American government official briefed on the case said investigators believed the manifesto was Mr. Breivik’s work.The manifesto, entitled “2083: A European Declaration of Independence,” equates liberalism and multiculturalism with “cultural Marxism,” which the document says is destroying European Christian civilization.The document also describes a secret meeting in London in April 2002 to reconstitute the Knights Templar, a Crusader military order. It says the meeting was attended by nine representatives of eight European countries, evidently including Mr. Breivik, with an additional three members unable to attend, including a “European-American.”The document does not name the attendees or say whether they were aware of Mr. Breivik’s planned attacks, though investigators presumably will now try to determine if the people exist and what their connection is to Mr. Breivik.Thomas Hegghammer, a terrorism specialist at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, said the manifesto bears an eerie resemblance to those of Osama bin Laden and other Al Qaeda leaders, though from a Christian rather than a Muslim point of view. Like Mr. Breivik’s manuscript, the major Qaeda declarations have detailed accounts of the Crusades, a pronounced sense of historical grievance and calls for apocalyptic warfare to defeat the religious and cultural enemy.“It seems to be an attempt to mirror Al Qaeda, exactly in reverse,” Mr. Hegghammer said.
[Source: ABC News, September 6, 2011]
Investigators looking into the shooting rampage at a Carson City, Nev., IHOP restaurant today that left four dead, including the shooter, and eight wounded are trying to determine whether the man targeted a group of National Guard personnel in the restaurant, police said. Of the 12 people shot in the rampage, five were National Guard members who were sitting together, all in uniform, in the back of the restaurant. Two of the service members -- a man and a woman -- died, police said. Because of where the Guard members were sitting and the fact they were in uniform, investigators say it appears the shooter -- Eduardo Sencion, 33, a Carson City resident who worked in nearby Tahoe and had no criminal history -- could have targeted them, Carson City Sheriff Kenny Furlong said this evening....Sencion allegedly walked into the restaurant shortly before 9 a.m. brandishing an AK47 and started shooting, then ended it by shooting himself in the head, police said. He was taken to a hospital where he died three hours later.
[Source:, November 7, 2011]
Prosecutors say 31-year-old John Chase was walking down the highway when he saw Ralph Aldrich, 88, in his back yard. Detectives say Chase shot and killed Aldrich with a crossbow and then went inside the home and repeatedly hit 83-year-old June Aldrich with a hatchet. He then stole their truck and drove to a friend's house. "He told his friend he was trying to get away, that demons were after him, he'd been living in the woods for several days, that he had just killed two demons and stole their truck,” said Undersheriff Rick Scott. The friend learned the truck was owned by a couple in Humptulips. When he drove the truck out there he found Ralph dead in the yard. When police arrived there later, they found June still alive in the house, approximately 18 hours after the attack. "They were subjected to the most graphic and horrific violence we've dealt with in a long time … and there's absolutely no reason for it,” said Scott..
Florida teen charged with stabbing grandmother over 90 times, wanted to make uncle suffer
[Source: Fox News, February 9, 2012]
LAKE WALES, Fla. – A Florida teenager was charged Wednesday with murdering his grandmother by stabbing her 93 times and shooting her in the head with a crossbow. Jasper Aristotle Smiddie, 19, allegedly stabbed his grandmother, 67-year-old Gloria Helfrich, 93 times, hitting her with a wrench and then shooting her with a crossbow. Authorities say Smiddie decided to kill his grandmother to make his uncle suffer. They say he originally plotted to kill his uncle, but decided to kill Helfrich instead."He decided, 'Well, I'll kill my grandmother instead so that my uncle has to live with the death of his mother for the rest of his life,' " Sheriff Grady Judd of the Polk County Sheriff's Department said. Authorities say they do not know why the teen hated his uncle so vehemently. Police say Smiddie killed his grandmother in her bedroom in the home they shared. Then, in a bizarre twist. he locked the door and waited for his uncle to get home. The teen then ate dinner and watched television with his uncle, who had no idea his mother lay dead in her bedroom. Smiddie left the home in the morning, then reportedly called his father in Tampa and told him what he had done. His father called the police, and directed them to the woman's body. Smiddie was arrested near his girlfriend's home and charged with first-degree murder.
[Source: AP via Time, May 15, 2012]
Thirty-three-year-old Tonya Thomas fatally shot her four children, who ranged in age from 12 to 17, said Lt. Tod Goodyear, a spokesman for the Brevard County Sheriff's Office. Three of the children had gone to a neighbor's front door before dawn to say their mother had shot them. The mother then called the children back to the house and killed them, Goodyear said. "From what the neighbors said, she was very calm. She walked out and called them back. They turned around and walked back to the house," Goodyear said....The shooting happened in Port St. John, about 15 miles west of Cape Canaveral in an area known as the "Space Coast" because it is the home of NASA's Kennedy Space Center, the location of numerous famed shuttle launches.
[Source: Daily Mail, May 28, 2012]
Rudy Eugene, 31...was shot dead in Miami, Florida yesterday following the horrific attack where he ripped pieces of flesh from his victim. His victim, another naked homeless man, was in a serious condition in a Miami hospital today suffering from 'some of the worst injuries staff had ever encountered'. Yesterday, a cyclist described the terrifying moment he witnessed a naked man tear pieces of flesh from another man's face at the side of a freeway before being shot dead by police when he refused to stop. Larry Vega, from Miami, was cycling off the MacArthur Causeway on Saturday afternoon when he saw the savage attack, which he described as 'the most gruesome, traumatic thing I have ever seen in my life'. He told WSVN: 'The guy was like tearing him to pieces with his mouth and I told him to get off. But the guy just kept eating the other guy away, like ripping his skin. 'A police officer came over, told him several times to get off then climbed over the divider and got in front of him and said, "Get off!" But the guy just stood his head up like that with a piece of flesh in his mouth and growled.' Mr Vega said Eugene continued to eat his victim's face so he was shot repeatedly. Police have said they believe Eugene was high on a potent form of LSD at the time.
[Source:, May 29, 2012]
A man who stabbed himself repeatedly in front of police — and then threw his skin and intestines at them — remains in critical condition Tuesday morning, police said. Police said they got a call at 10 p.m. Sunday from someone saying Wayne Carter, 43, had a knife and was threatening to hurt himself. When police officers arrived at the Clay Street home, they kicked in a door to his room, which had been blocked with furniture, said Lt. John Heinemann. Carter was in the corner of the room with a knife in his hand, and he stood up, he yelled at police while stabbing himself all over his body. Officers noticed that his intestines were protruding from a wound in his abdomen, Heinemann said. Carter allegedly threw some of his skin and intestines at officers as they tried to enter the room, Heinemann said. The officers ordered him to drop the 12-inch kitchen knife, but he didn’t. Carter is accused of swinging the knife at officers, police said. The officers sprayed two cans of pepper spray at the man without any effect. The officers retreated and called the Bergen County SWAT Team, which helped subdue Carter so he could be taken to Hackensack University Medical Center.
The following news reports are particularly heinous as they deal with surprisingly frequent attacks on children that have taken place in China recently.
- 8 Kids Stabbed to Death at Chinese School [Source: AP via CBS News, March 23, 2010]: A former medical worker allegedly stabbed to death eight young children and wounded five others Tuesday in a bloody rampage outside an elementary school in eastern China. The attacker struck in the morning as students arrived for classes, mingling with parents at the school gates before suddenly pulling out his knife and slashing children, according to witnesses interviewed on local television. The suspect was identified as Zheng Minsheng, 41.
- Wild stabbings kill 2, injure 5 in China [Source: Times of India, April 13, 2010]: China on Monday saw a second case of wild stabbing of small children when a 40-year old man killed persons and injured five others in an orgy of knifing in southern China's Guangxi region. The official media described the killer in Guangxi as a “mentally ill” who killed a child studying in the second grade in an elementary school and a elderly person passing by the school in Hepu County of the province on Monday afternoon. He also wounded two elementary school students, a younger child not yet in school and two others passing by the school at that time. All the injured persons are in hospital and one of them is stated to be in serious condition. The official Xinhua news agency said the attacker has been caught and detained by the police. But no more details about him have been released.
- China executes killer of eight school children [Source: BBC, April 28, 2010]: Zheng Minsheng, 42, was shot in Nanping...The execution came one month after he stabbed eight young children to death at a primary school in the same city.
- Man Stabs 15 Students, 1 Teacher In South China [Source: Huffington Post, April 28, 2010]: A teacher [Chen Kangbing, 33] who broke into a primary school in southern China [Guangdong province's]and wounded 15 students and a teacher in a knife attack has been on a years-long sick leave due to mental illness, state media reported Thursday.
- Man with knife attacks kindergarten in China [Source: CNN, April 29, 2010]: At least 28 children were injured when a man with a knife attacked a kindergarten in east China on Thursday morning, state media said. Most of the victims were 4-year-olds, the state-run Xinhua news agency said. Three of the children were in critical condition. Police said they have arrested a 47-year-old suspect. The incident happened in Taixing city in Jiangsu province. It comes a day after a man attacked 18 students and a teacher with a knife at a primary school in southern China's Guangdong province, Xinhua said.
- Report: 5 children injured in China school attack [Source: CNN, April 30, 2010]: The latest attack came Friday, when a man armed with a hammer injured five preschool children in east China before setting himself on fire in a classroom suicide, a government spokesman told Xinhua news agency. The attacker held two children in his arms as he poured gasoline over himself, the spokesman said. Teachers in Weifang City, Shandong province, pulled the children away as the man died, the spokesman said.
- 7 children, 2 adults killed in China school attack [Source: CNN, May 13, 2010]: The attacker used a kitchen cleaver to kill the school's owner, Wu Hongying, and five boys and two girls on Wednesday morning before returning home and committing suicide, state media said.
- Report: Man attacks girls with cleaver in China [Source: CNN, May 17, 2010]: A man attacked six young women with a meat cleaver at a busy Chinese market before committing suicide by jumping out of a building, according to state-run media...A witness said the man held a cleaver in his right hand and first rushed into a restaurant, striking a waitress on her shoulder, then left the restaurant, attacking another woman not far from the business, also on the left shoulder, Guangzhou Daily said. The witness said the man targeted every woman he encountered, especially young women.
- 9 wounded in latest knife attack in China [Source: CNN, May 18, 2010]: About five to six men, armed with knives and cleavers, rushed into a college dormitory in southern China on Wednesday, wounding nine students -- one of them seriously, state media said...The men burst into a dormitory at the Hainan Institute of Science and Technology in Hainan province and hacked away at anyone they came across, the China News Network said.
- Four killed in attack on kindergarteners in China [Source: Los Angeles Times, August 5, 2010]: The brutal killing of at least three children and a teacher at a school in northeastern China had residents confounded and authorities tight-lipped Wednesday...A man identified by state media as Fang Jiantang, 26, reportedly attacked kindergarten students and teachers with a knife Tuesday in a suburb of Zibo, killing four and injuring 20 staff and children. The man turned himself in to police, according to Sing Tao Daily, a Hong Kong newspaper. A 2-foot-long knife believed to be the weapon used in the attack was recovered. No motive has been established. Teachers suffered deep gashes to their heads and shoulders, witnesses said. The wounded teachers were reportedly attempting to protect the children. Some said that the injured students looked as if their skulls had been hacked open and that other children had hidden under desks to escape the assailant. The attack was the seventh rampage in China since March.
- 22 children and elderly woman stabbed outside primary school by Chinese knifeman [Source: Daily Mail, December 14, 2012]: Twenty-two children were hurt by a knife-wielding man at a primary school in central China. Min Yingjun, 36, stabbed an elderly woman before bursting into Chenpeng Village Primary School in the Henan province yesterday. Seven of the students, aged between six and 12 years old, were taken to hospital, some with severed fingers and ears.
For more information check out the following:
Russ Dizdar's Shatter the website
Sue Bradley's Secrets of the Black Awakening
Some of the deadliest mass shootings around world [Source: My Way News, July 22, 2011]
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