File this one under iCool but iAin't cheap!
Apple lovers from around the valley are flocking to their nearest Ipad dealer to buy the newest Ipad that was released today, March 16, 2012. It is being referred to as the "new Ipad" (because to call it the Ipad 3 would just be too predictable). This newest version of the Ipad has a sharper screen, faster processer, and better camera, but will weigh a bit more. Morever, the fine folks at Apple have decided to not just give us a better Ipad this time but they will give it to us at the same price as the Ipad 2 and will drop the pricetag on the Ipad 2. Click here for all the details.
So what does the new Ipad relate to Bible Prophecy? Does the Bible specifically prophesy that in the future people would be spending hundreds of dollars for small handheld computers? Well, although the Bible doesn't get that specific it does mention that technology will increase during in the End Times. The Old Testament Prophet, Daniel, was given many revelations as to what the end of time would entail. One of those revelations given by God to Daniel is found in Daniel 12:1-4
1 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”
There is no doubt that human knowledge and technology is increasing exponentially every year and in some cases within months and weeks. Apple is just one of many companies whose technology is continually increasing. And since we are on the topic of Apple, it is an interesting observation that the Apple logo depicts an image of a bitten apple. Does this remind you of an ancient story? How about the story of Adam and Eve, found in Genesis 2? The bitten apple represented the fall of man and according to the story of the Bible, it's this Fall of mankind that has brought evil and destruction into the world as we know it today. But God, through the Bible's many prophecies, has shown us that He will one day restore us and our world. It's time to WAKE UP! and realize that we have very little time left.
But if you would still like to get the new IPAD before that happens click here to find a list of Apple Stores in the Metro Phoenix Area.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Examiner 03-13-2012: Peyton Manning and his Titan decision
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Peyton Manning to become a Titan? |
File this one under big money and high hopes.
On March 7, 2012, Peyton Manning’s much anticipated departure from the Indianapolis Colts was announced and now the media frenzy has been kicked into high gear following what could be the biggest NFL story of the year - where will Peyton Manning restart his NFL career?
For Arizona fans, this weekend, March 11, was filled with high hopes as he met with the Arizona Cardinal coaching staff and Head Coach Ken Whisenhunt. At the time Arizona and the Denver Broncos were the only teams in contention to sign this NFL Superstar. However, as of March 13, there are now four other teams with high hopes of landing Manning: the Miami Dolphins, the Tennessee Titans, the San Francisco 49ers, and the Houston Texans.
There is no doubt the sports world is rife with speculation as to which team will sign Manning and much, if not all, of this speculation is based on NFL stats and/or insider knowledge. But is it possible that the team he chooses could have a Biblically prophetic connection? Perhaps, here's why.
Throughout the Bible God using allegorical imagery and situations to declare His Word to His people and let them know what the future holds or what the status of affairs are, so to speak. We see many of the Old Testament prophets, such as Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Hosea, who were given these allegorical images and situations to help the people understand. Even Jesus Himself, used parables and pictures (e.g. the fig tree) to warn the people of the future. And thus, if God never changes, it stands to reason that these allegorical images and situations can still be given to us today.
In Matthew 24:36-41, Jesus states:
36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
What was it like in the days of Noah? Well we know from Genesis 6 and other supplemental sources such as the Book of Enoch that the land before the flood was inhabited by the Nephilim. These giants were progeny of the Fallen Angels and human women. There is little doubt that we are living in the End Times and right before the coming of the Son of Man, thus one could say we are living right now in the Days of Noah.
Now, connect this Days of Noah prophecy with the image of Peyton Manning if he chooses to sign with the Tennessee Titans.
We know Peyton's brother Eli Manning plays for the New York Giants (who happened to win the Superbowl in Indiana this year, Peyton's old stomping grounds). Giants = Nephilim. Moreover, in mythology, the Titans were a race of powerful deities who lived long ago and who of which some Bible teachers believe were actually Fallen Angels. Titans = Fallen Angels. So wouldn't it be an interesting prophetic image to have the two Manning brothers playing for the Giants and the Titans - two words that hearken back to the days of Noah before the flood?
Is God showing us that we are living in the Days of Noah? One thing is for sure though, no matter what team Peyton Manning chooses, the media frenzy has proven that football is a very important matter in our country. But Bible prophecy tells us there is something even more important than football - that is eternal life. It's time to WAKE UP and realize that time is short and we must make a decision as to what team we will play on for eternity.
UPDATE: On March 20, Peyton Manning was introduced as a Denver Bronco. Interestingly enough, the choice to play for Denver also holds Biblically prophetic imagery. Last season, "God's Quarterback", Tim Tebow of the Denver Broncos, was the hot topic in the media. Anyone and everyone knew who Tebow was and what he stood (i.e. Christianity). Now with Manning headed to Denver the days of Tebow are numbered. In a similar way, the Bible prophesies that in the near future when the Anti-Christ takes control of the world (Revelation 13), the days of being an open confessing Christian will be numbered.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Examiner 03-7-2012: The Phoenix Lights and what it says about the End Times
File this one under mysterious but true.
On March 13, 1997, something mysterious happened in Phoenix that would ultimately change the beliefs of some residents forever as to whether we are alone in the universe. In the late evening between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm MST, multiple witnesses claimed to have seen mysterious glowing lights in a V-shaped pattern which seemed to hover in the night sky.
This phenomenon later become known as the Phoenix Lights and will celebrate its 15th anniversary this year. To this day there is still no official explanation for their origin. And although there are several "scientific" explanations as to their appearance, at least two prominent Arizonans believe that there is a more "supernatural" explanation.
Fife Symington, Arizona's governor at the time, went on record 10 years later, in an AP article featured on MSNBC, claiming that he believed the Lights were an "alien spacecraft" and stating that "you could just tell it was otherworldy."
Yet perhaps the most vocal advocate of the Phoenix Lights is author and lecturer Dr. Lynne Kitei, M.D. With just a quick glance of her website, it is evident that Dr. Kitei (who by the way, for all you trivia buffs out there, played Florence Arizona in the 1987 movie Raising Arizona starring Nicholas Cage) believes that these lights were some type of UFO. And just in case you don't believe her she has the book and documentary to prove it!
Based on the Governor and the good doctor's opinions, along with a host of other eye-witnesses, it is apparent the general consensus is that these Lights are connected somehow to the UFO phenomenon. Yet what does the Bible have to say about this event, if anything? Oddly enough, the Bible may be more in agreement with these viewpoints than you may think.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, the Apostle Paul writes to the Church of Thessolonica concerning the End Times:
Just what is this powerful delusion? Some Bible teachers believe this powerful delusion could come in the form of an "alien" visitation to our planet during a time of upheaval. However, they go on to teach that rather than true extraterrestrial aliens, these beings will be interdimensional Fallen Angels masquerading as aliens. They believe that this inevitable event will help our world transition from a multitude of people groups with different beliefs and cultures to a more unified One World Government system in which the Anti-Christ will be able to take control.
This theory may sound far out but when you realize that the whole UFO phenomenon can be linked to the Days of Noah, as recorded in the Bible (Genesis 6) and the Book of Enoch (chapters 7 and 8), as well as the UFO pehnomenon's link to the occult workings of Aleister Crowley, it becomes a little more down to earth and reasonable.
Are we being prepared for an inevitable disclosure event through our media and culture saturated with this Alien/UFO meme? It's time to WAKE UP!
**To celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Phoenix Lights, Scottsdale Harkins Shea will be showing the 2005 documentary “Phoenix Lights: We Are Not Alone” on March 11, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. Click here for more info.
If you have the time, here are some interesting quotes I have pulled about the Phoenix Lights from the following Source: Phoenix Lights Ten Years and Counting, UFO Magazine, March 2007 pp32-45
“It is also important not to freak people out about the compelling evidence confirming that we are not alone.
The bottom line is that we are being visited by something, and whoever has been visiting us here in Arizona—and around the globe at an increasing frequency—is doing it in a gentle way. Nobody was hurt.
“In ten years of hundreds if not thousands of people reporting their experiences on March 13, 1997, there has not been one report of harm, threat, or abduction connected with the mass sighting event. Quite the contrary. Witnesses were in awe, excited, even grateful to have had such an extraordinary experience. That’s pretty significant when you think about it.” pg 34
Rebecca Hardcastle, who has a long academic background in theology and philosophy and works as a hypnotherapist and life coach as well as counseling people who have had paranormal experiences. In 2005 Hardcastle taught a course in extraterrestrial reality at Scottsdale Community College...Hardcastle radiates enthusiasm about this tenth year anniversary of the Phoenix Lights. “I really believe in my heart,”
she said, “that Phoenix is a global, if not a universal, center of influence and portal of contact. This whole area always has been, is today, and always will be playing that role in terms of contact.” Hardcastle explained that we were in the Christian season of the Epiphany, which commemorates the time when the three Wise Men journeyed to find Christ by following a star. “That whole phenomenon,” she continued, “philosophically, religiously, spiritually—human beings want to follow stars. They want to follow anything that comes out of the skies. pg 34
The night of March 13 also brought it with other strange events, which Dilettoso said he finds very interesting.
For instance, he recalled reading an article in the July 1997 issue of Scientific American that reported bursts
of gamma radiation, a very unusual phenomenon, were detected by the Hubble Telescope that same March evening. The gamma radiation was eventually traced back to somewhere within our own solar system, and Dilettoso wonders if the extraterrestrials may travel as an energy field that gathers mass and momentum as they arrive here on earth. Also on March 13, 1997, then-president Bill Clinton fell down and broke his knee while visiting the home of golfer Greg Norman. “Clinton had to be hurried away in a helicopter,” Dilettoso said, “and kept at Bethesda Naval Hospital underground for over two days. There were press conferences showing diagrams of all the surgery that was going to have to be done and how long it was going to last and why he had to cancel his big meeting in Sarajevo with the prime minister of Russia. “A few days later he’s walking around and he’s okay. It never came up again.” Government secrecy theorists might be easily led to the conclusion that the broken knee was a cover story designed to hide the perceived need to get the
commander-in-chief to safety in the wake of the unnerving events happening out in the Southwest desert.
Another strange incident Dilettoso related involved an A-10 fighter pilot who had been scrambled to investigate the lights in the sky of unknown origin on March 13. A member of the pilot’s ground crew even called Peter Davenport at the National UFO Reporting Center, and he appeared to be very shaken by what was happening. Several months later, the aforementioned pilot was flying in formation with two other fighter jets between Phoenix and Flagstaff. “He broke formation and flew northeast towards Colorado,” Dilettoso said. “He disappeared from radar. No radio contact. He did not respond. “About two days later, his plane, in bits and pieces, was found slammed into a mountain. They interviewed his family, his crewmates, everyone who knew him, and they said, ‘Hey, this is a rock solid guy. We don’t have any idea what he was thinking when he did that.’ ” Still another March 13 event involved a satellite, manufactured in Chandler, Arizona, by the American Satellite Company. “The satellite went dark and missing,” Dilettoso said, “never to be found. The number of unusual things that happened that same night puts this in a breadbasket of paradox.” pg 36
“I’ve never said what they are,” Dr. Lynne said, “only that they are. It’s not just an ET possibility. There are interdimensional possibilities, intelligences, spirit-world possibilities, time-traveler possibilities. There could be a combination of all these possibilities. pg 36
Terry Mansfield witnessed the life-changing events first-hand
Somewhere out there, Mansfield realized, there was life in the universe. And the presence of that object over her head—literally only hundreds of feet above her—meant that life in the universe had come to her. She and her guests and all of Phoenix, for that matter, had suddenly been put in touch with a great link of all creation. There were others out there, not just humans, but other species. And in that moment, Terri Mansfield had been touched by them. It was a feeling of genuine awe for the vast presence of life and her connection to it.
Mansfield reiterated that the feelings of peace and joy she experienced when she saw the object floating above had completely overwhelmed her. She said she had a sensation that not only was everything right with the world, but that she had made a connection with a larger presence. She said that the sighting reaffirmed her commitment to work for peace and to establish institutions that would seek peaceful resolutions to conflict. As part of her work since her sighting, Terri has campaigned for the establishment of a U.S. cabinet-level position called the Department of Peace, whose secretary would be in charge of seeking nonviolent resolutions to conflict. Since that night, Terri has not ceased to marvel at the opportunity she had to participate in the Phoenix encounters. As she continues her campaign for a Department of Peace, she recalls that it was the vision of the huge floating object in the Phoenix skies ten years ago that propelled her on her journey to work for peace around the world. pg 44-45
On March 13, 1997, something mysterious happened in Phoenix that would ultimately change the beliefs of some residents forever as to whether we are alone in the universe. In the late evening between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm MST, multiple witnesses claimed to have seen mysterious glowing lights in a V-shaped pattern which seemed to hover in the night sky.
This phenomenon later become known as the Phoenix Lights and will celebrate its 15th anniversary this year. To this day there is still no official explanation for their origin. And although there are several "scientific" explanations as to their appearance, at least two prominent Arizonans believe that there is a more "supernatural" explanation.
Fife Symington, Arizona's governor at the time, went on record 10 years later, in an AP article featured on MSNBC, claiming that he believed the Lights were an "alien spacecraft" and stating that "you could just tell it was otherworldy."
Yet perhaps the most vocal advocate of the Phoenix Lights is author and lecturer Dr. Lynne Kitei, M.D. With just a quick glance of her website, it is evident that Dr. Kitei (who by the way, for all you trivia buffs out there, played Florence Arizona in the 1987 movie Raising Arizona starring Nicholas Cage) believes that these lights were some type of UFO. And just in case you don't believe her she has the book and documentary to prove it!
Based on the Governor and the good doctor's opinions, along with a host of other eye-witnesses, it is apparent the general consensus is that these Lights are connected somehow to the UFO phenomenon. Yet what does the Bible have to say about this event, if anything? Oddly enough, the Bible may be more in agreement with these viewpoints than you may think.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, the Apostle Paul writes to the Church of Thessolonica concerning the End Times:
9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Just what is this powerful delusion? Some Bible teachers believe this powerful delusion could come in the form of an "alien" visitation to our planet during a time of upheaval. However, they go on to teach that rather than true extraterrestrial aliens, these beings will be interdimensional Fallen Angels masquerading as aliens. They believe that this inevitable event will help our world transition from a multitude of people groups with different beliefs and cultures to a more unified One World Government system in which the Anti-Christ will be able to take control.
This theory may sound far out but when you realize that the whole UFO phenomenon can be linked to the Days of Noah, as recorded in the Bible (Genesis 6) and the Book of Enoch (chapters 7 and 8), as well as the UFO pehnomenon's link to the occult workings of Aleister Crowley, it becomes a little more down to earth and reasonable.
Are we being prepared for an inevitable disclosure event through our media and culture saturated with this Alien/UFO meme? It's time to WAKE UP!
**To celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Phoenix Lights, Scottsdale Harkins Shea will be showing the 2005 documentary “Phoenix Lights: We Are Not Alone” on March 11, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. Click here for more info.
If you have the time, here are some interesting quotes I have pulled about the Phoenix Lights from the following Source: Phoenix Lights Ten Years and Counting, UFO Magazine, March 2007 pp32-45
“It is also important not to freak people out about the compelling evidence confirming that we are not alone.
The bottom line is that we are being visited by something, and whoever has been visiting us here in Arizona—and around the globe at an increasing frequency—is doing it in a gentle way. Nobody was hurt.
“In ten years of hundreds if not thousands of people reporting their experiences on March 13, 1997, there has not been one report of harm, threat, or abduction connected with the mass sighting event. Quite the contrary. Witnesses were in awe, excited, even grateful to have had such an extraordinary experience. That’s pretty significant when you think about it.” pg 34
Rebecca Hardcastle, who has a long academic background in theology and philosophy and works as a hypnotherapist and life coach as well as counseling people who have had paranormal experiences. In 2005 Hardcastle taught a course in extraterrestrial reality at Scottsdale Community College...Hardcastle radiates enthusiasm about this tenth year anniversary of the Phoenix Lights. “I really believe in my heart,”
she said, “that Phoenix is a global, if not a universal, center of influence and portal of contact. This whole area always has been, is today, and always will be playing that role in terms of contact.” Hardcastle explained that we were in the Christian season of the Epiphany, which commemorates the time when the three Wise Men journeyed to find Christ by following a star. “That whole phenomenon,” she continued, “philosophically, religiously, spiritually—human beings want to follow stars. They want to follow anything that comes out of the skies. pg 34
The night of March 13 also brought it with other strange events, which Dilettoso said he finds very interesting.
For instance, he recalled reading an article in the July 1997 issue of Scientific American that reported bursts
of gamma radiation, a very unusual phenomenon, were detected by the Hubble Telescope that same March evening. The gamma radiation was eventually traced back to somewhere within our own solar system, and Dilettoso wonders if the extraterrestrials may travel as an energy field that gathers mass and momentum as they arrive here on earth. Also on March 13, 1997, then-president Bill Clinton fell down and broke his knee while visiting the home of golfer Greg Norman. “Clinton had to be hurried away in a helicopter,” Dilettoso said, “and kept at Bethesda Naval Hospital underground for over two days. There were press conferences showing diagrams of all the surgery that was going to have to be done and how long it was going to last and why he had to cancel his big meeting in Sarajevo with the prime minister of Russia. “A few days later he’s walking around and he’s okay. It never came up again.” Government secrecy theorists might be easily led to the conclusion that the broken knee was a cover story designed to hide the perceived need to get the
commander-in-chief to safety in the wake of the unnerving events happening out in the Southwest desert.
Another strange incident Dilettoso related involved an A-10 fighter pilot who had been scrambled to investigate the lights in the sky of unknown origin on March 13. A member of the pilot’s ground crew even called Peter Davenport at the National UFO Reporting Center, and he appeared to be very shaken by what was happening. Several months later, the aforementioned pilot was flying in formation with two other fighter jets between Phoenix and Flagstaff. “He broke formation and flew northeast towards Colorado,” Dilettoso said. “He disappeared from radar. No radio contact. He did not respond. “About two days later, his plane, in bits and pieces, was found slammed into a mountain. They interviewed his family, his crewmates, everyone who knew him, and they said, ‘Hey, this is a rock solid guy. We don’t have any idea what he was thinking when he did that.’ ” Still another March 13 event involved a satellite, manufactured in Chandler, Arizona, by the American Satellite Company. “The satellite went dark and missing,” Dilettoso said, “never to be found. The number of unusual things that happened that same night puts this in a breadbasket of paradox.” pg 36
“I’ve never said what they are,” Dr. Lynne said, “only that they are. It’s not just an ET possibility. There are interdimensional possibilities, intelligences, spirit-world possibilities, time-traveler possibilities. There could be a combination of all these possibilities. pg 36
Terry Mansfield witnessed the life-changing events first-hand
Somewhere out there, Mansfield realized, there was life in the universe. And the presence of that object over her head—literally only hundreds of feet above her—meant that life in the universe had come to her. She and her guests and all of Phoenix, for that matter, had suddenly been put in touch with a great link of all creation. There were others out there, not just humans, but other species. And in that moment, Terri Mansfield had been touched by them. It was a feeling of genuine awe for the vast presence of life and her connection to it.
Mansfield reiterated that the feelings of peace and joy she experienced when she saw the object floating above had completely overwhelmed her. She said she had a sensation that not only was everything right with the world, but that she had made a connection with a larger presence. She said that the sighting reaffirmed her commitment to work for peace and to establish institutions that would seek peaceful resolutions to conflict. As part of her work since her sighting, Terri has campaigned for the establishment of a U.S. cabinet-level position called the Department of Peace, whose secretary would be in charge of seeking nonviolent resolutions to conflict. Since that night, Terri has not ceased to marvel at the opportunity she had to participate in the Phoenix encounters. As she continues her campaign for a Department of Peace, she recalls that it was the vision of the huge floating object in the Phoenix skies ten years ago that propelled her on her journey to work for peace around the world. pg 44-45
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Examiner 03-01-2012: What the execution of Arizona's 29th death row inmate says about the End Times
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Robert Henry Moorman |
File this one under demented but true.
Ironically, on Wednesday, February 29, 2012, at the State Prison in Florence, Arizona executed its 29th death row inmate since 1992. (To see the full list of executed inmates click here.)
His name was Robert Henry Moorman, 63,and he was executed by lethal injection for stabbing and suffocating (and methodically dismembering) his 74-year old adoptive mother, Roberta Moorman back on January 13, 1984. And to make this story even more interesting (and ironic for that matter), he committed this vile act while on a 3-day “Compassionate Furlough” from the State Prison in Florence where he was serving 9 years to life for kidnapping and molesting his 8-year old neighbor girl in 1972. (To find out more of the sordid details read the entire article from
This story is a perfect example of what the Apostle Paul spoke about concerning the End Times when he wrote 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
This story is an ultimate of example of where disobedience to parents can lead to -- committing a heinous act brutally without love or self-control, which could eventually land you on death row. So what could make a man kill his own mother, albeit an adoptive mother? Some may blame it on the years of sexual abuse he suffered at the hand of his mother, as reported in the article from
However, according to the Bible, no one is able to blame someone else for their sin. We are all responsible for our own sin (see Ezekiel 18:4). Further, one day at the end of time as we know it, we will all face judgment for each action and decision that we make according to Revelation 20:11.
11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. 15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.
Unfortunately, this story is just the tip of the iceberg of when it comes to what the human soul is capable of doing. What kind of world are we living in? Well, according to the Bible, everything in our world is totally corrupted due to sin. As we quickly approach the end of time, it’s time for us to WAKE UP and make a decision as to what path we will choose before it’s too late.
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