Tuesday, January 26, 2010

JOURNAL: Is Transhumanism the future of humanity?

As a teenager, I remember heading to the mall every Sunday afternoon to get my weekly fix of Spiderman, the X-men, and all those other great superheroes from the Marvel Universe. Around that same time period, I remember making it a point to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation every night before I went to bed. Well, those days are gone now and although I can't claim I was ever a fanboy or a trekkie, I still enjoy the occasional Marvel/DC movie or science fiction flick. However, until recently, I wrote off most of the ideas found in these types of genres as just the wild imagination of their creators. Lately, my viewpoint has changed. I'm beginning to think that the ideas and realities portrayed in these worlds may be more realistic than I have ever imagined.

Recently, I heard about something called Transhumanism. The more I learned about this the more I thought it sounded like something out of a comic book or a science-fiction movie...until I came across this website. Apparently, this transhumanist movement is a rather serious and intellectually thought out system. In the information that follows, I will be giving you some quotes directly from their website. Some of you may already be familiar with this area of science and others of you may be astonished, as was I, at some of the things that are being researched in the science world as we speak. And of course, if you're interested in learning more about this you can visit the website...or if not, at least you will be aware of the kind of stuff that is being seriously debated in the science community today. So with that being said, let's get to it!

The name of this website is called Humanity+. And of course, just like many websites there is a wealth of information to be gleaned. Now, I admit I haven't thorougly scoured every nook and crannie of this website, but it doesn't matter since I am just trying to provide you with an overview and not an expert review of the subject. Obviously, the best way to learn about a website is to go to the FAQ section, so that's where I went and below I have selected just some of the questions and answers that I thought were interesting.

Q. What is Transhumanism?

A. Transhumanism is a way of thinking about the future...based on the premise that the human species in its current form does not represent the end of our development...rather a[n]... early phase. We formally define it as... The intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally improving the human condition through applied reason, especially by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities...

Q. What is a Posthuman?

A. ...[P]ossible future beings whose basic capacities so radically exceed those of present humans as to be no longer unambiguously human by our current standards. The standard word for such beings is “posthuman."...[T]hey yearn to reach intellectual heights as far above any current human genius as humans are above other primates; to be resistant to disease and impervious to aging; to have unlimited youth and vigor; to exercise control over their own desires, moods, and mental states; to be able to avoid feeling tired, hateful, or irritated about petty things; to have an increased capacity for pleasure, love, artistic appreciation, and serenity; to experience novel states of consciousness that current human brains cannot access.

Posthumans could be completely synthetic artificial intelligences, or they could be enhanced uploads...or...be the result of ... profound augmentations to a biological human... using advanced nanotechnology or...some combination of technologies such as genetic engineering, psychopharmacology, anti-aging therapies, neural interfaces, advanced information management tools, memory enhancing drugs, wearable computers, and cognitive techniques.

Some posthumans may find it advantageous to jettison their bodies altogether and live as information patterns on vast super-fast computer networks... [and] might be able to share memories and experiences directly, greatly increasing the efficiency, quality, and modes in which posthumans could communicate with each other.

Q. What is a Transhuman?

A. The etymology of the term “transhuman” goes back to the futurist FM-2030 [ ], who introduced it as shorthand for “transitional human”. Calling transhumans the “earliest manifestation of new evolutionary beings,” FM maintained that signs of transhumanity included prostheses, plastic surgery, intensive use of telecommunications, a cosmopolitan outlook and a globetrotting lifestyle, androgyny, mediated reproduction (such as in vitro fertilization), absence of religious beliefs, and a rejection of traditional family values.

Q. What are the reasons to expect all these changes?

A. The World-Wide Web is beginning to link the world’s people, adding a new global layer to human society where information is supreme. The Human Genome Project has been completed, and the study of the functional roles of our genes (functional genomics) is proceeding rapidly. Techniques for using this genetic information to modify adult organisms or the germ-line are being developed. The performance of computers doubles every 18 months and will approach the computational power of a human brain in the foreseeable future. Pharmaceutical companies are refining drugs that will enable us to regulate mood and aspects of personality with few side effects. Many transhumanist aims can be pursued with present technologies. (emphasis mine)

Q. Won't these developments take thousands or millions of years?

A. The vast majority of transhumanists think that superintelligence and nanotechnology will both be developed in less than a hundred years, and many predict that it will happen well within the first third of this century. (emphasis mine)

Q. How can I use transhumanism in my own life?

A. ...[Y]ou might...find some of the currently available human modification or enhancement options useful. Some of these are commonplace – exercise, healthy diet, relaxation techniques, time management, study skills, information technology, coffee or tea (as stimulants), education, and nutritional supplements (such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, or hormones). Others you might not have thought of, such as getting a cryonic suspension contract [ ], or chewing nicotine gum for its nootropic effects. Still others – for instance pharmacological mood drugs or sex reassignment surgery – are suitable only for people who have special difficulties or needs.

Q. Aren't these future technologies very risky? Could they even cause our extinction?

A. Yes, and this implies an urgent need to analyze the risks before they materialize and to take steps to reduce them. Biotechnology, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence pose especially serious risks of accidents and abuse.

Q. Is there any ethical standard ...

A. The transhumanist goal is not to replace existing humans with a new breed of super-beings, but rather to give human beings [ ] the option of developing into posthuman persons.

Transhumanists reject speciesism, the (human racist) view that moral status is strongly tied to membership in a particular biological species, in our case homo sapiens. What exactly does determine moral status is a matter of debate. Factors such as being a person, being sentient, having the capacity for autonomous moral choice, or perhaps even being a member of the same community as the evaluator, are among the criteria that may combine to determine the degree of somebody’s moral status [ ]. But transhumanists argue that species-identity should be de-emphasized in this context. Transhumanists insist that all beings that can experience pain have some moral status, and that posthuman persons could have at least the same level of moral status as humans have in their current form.

Q. What kind of society would posthumans live in?

A. The ideal social organization may be one that includes the possibility for those who so wish to form independent societies voluntarily secluded from the rest of the world, in order to pursue traditional ways of life or to experiment with new forms of communal living.

Q. Will posthumans or superintelligent machines pose a threat to humans who aren't augmented?

A. What about the hypothetical case in which someone intends to create, or turn themselves into, a being of so radically enhanced capacities that a single one or a small group of such individuals would be capable of taking over the planet? This is clearly not a situation that is likely to arise in the imminent future, but one can imagine that, perhaps in a few decades, the prospective creation of superintelligent machines could raise this kind of concern. The would-be creator of a new life form with such surpassing capabilities would have an obligation to ensure that the proposed being is free from psychopathic tendencies and, more generally, that it has humane inclinations. For example, a superintelligence should be built with a clear goal structure that has friendliness to humans as its top goal. Before running such a program, the builders of a superintelligence should be required to make a strong case that launching it would be safer than alternative courses of action.

Q. How does transhumanism relate to religion?

A. While not a religion, transhumanism might serve a few of the same functions that people have traditionally sought in religion. It offers a sense of direction and purpose and suggests a vision that humans can achieve something greater than our present condition. Unlike most religious believers, however, transhumanists seek to make their dreams come true in this world, by relying not on supernatural powers or divine intervention but on rational thinking and empiricism, through continued scientific, technological, economic, and human development. Some of the prospects that used to be the exclusive thunder of the religious institutions, such as very long lifespan, unfading bliss, and godlike intelligence, are being discussed by transhumanists as hypothetical future engineering achievements.

I believe that this last question/answer, is the main thrust of transhumanism, innocuous though it may be. It seems that as man grows more technologically advanced that he becomes more self-focused and the idea of God/religion is replaced with the idea that man is God and does not need anything outside of himself. So, while some of the aspects of transhumanism may be beneficial to society and the individual, when it boils down, the whole transhumanism movement, is to exalt man to godhood status and the Bible makes it very clear that we are not God (Isaiah 43:10, 44:6). Moreover, the risks involved, which are acknowledged by Transhumanists, may be devastating. Nonetheless, it will be interesting to see how this movement progresses in the months and years to come, if the Lord does not come back first!

Below I have placed some videos that explain the transhumanistic view as well as some articles which deal with human enhancement.

Check out these videos for more information.


Defense Sciences Office
Accelerated Learning
Accelerated Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

TOPIC: Barack Obama, the Man, the Myth, the Legend

What is it about Barack Obama that sends shivers up everyone's spine?  Is it his historic rise to the most prestigious seat in the world? Is it his good looks or magnetic personality?  Whatever it is, he has not only a nation enthralled but the world as well.  Here are some news stories to help prove that point.

[Source: Dayton Daily News, January 13, 2010]
"Hope-the Obama Musical Story" will open up later this month at Jahrhunderthalle concert hall in Frankfurt.  The play was written by Randall Hitchins.  The story's timeline starts 20 years ago and goes all the way up to the 2008 election.
  • Obama musical thrills audiences in Germany [Source: AFP via Breitbart, January 18, 2010]: According to the article, "Two other shows have already put the US president on stage meanwhile, "Obama On My Mind" in London, and "Obama: The Musical" in Nairobi."

[Source: Yahoo Photos, February 13, 2010]

[Source: Washington Examiner, April 21, 2010]

While his poll numbers in the states aren't what they used to be, some Chinese entrepreneurs must be hoping the "Obama brand" holds strong internationally. A nightclub named after the American president, the Obama Entertainment Club, opens Monday in Shanghai, China. Details about how exactly the club is Obama-themed still are scarce, though promotional materials found by the blog Shanghaiist tout that the club "will bring international glamour, excitement and refined luxury to the Shanghai entertainment scene." A Web site has been started for the party space, but it is still under construction, and a logo has been unveiled. It's Obama's name with a bare hot pink woman's leg posing out of the "O.
[Source: Deadline.com, April 29, 2010]
[Source: AFP via Daily Nation, June 30, 2010]
[Source: AP via Breitbart, May 20, 2010]
[Source: NBC Washington, August 23, 2010]

[Source: AFP via Google, January 24, 2010]
Indonesian authorities said Monday they are considering a petition to tear down a statue, [depicting] the boy Obama dressed in shorts and a T-shirt with a butterfly perched on his hand, only a month after the bronze was unveiled in Jakarta. The statue of "Little Barry" -- as Obama was known when he lived in the capital in the late 1960s -- stands in central Jakarta's Menteng Park. Obama, who was born in Hawaii, lived for four years as a child in Jakarta from 1967 after his divorced mother married an Indonesian.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

TOPIC: When Pigs Fly (The Swine Flu aka H1N1)

"And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." (Luke 21:11).

WHO to review its handling of H1N1 flu pandemic 
[Source: Reuters, January 12, 2010]

It looks as though the World Health Organization will be reviewing its procedures and handling of the H1N1 Swine Flu outbreak.  Some politicians have criticized the organization claiming that they exaggerated this epidemic in order to increase the profits of pharmaceutical companies. 

NOTE: I'm not sure what happened with this whole outbreak but I do find it interesting how big this issue got and then how quickly it went away.  It did seem to be a sort of manufactured crisis.  Why?  Was it to kill off a multitude of the world's population, was it a way to be able to insert a microchip into unsuspecting victims, was it a trial run for something bigger in the future?  Whether real or manufactured, this flu outbreak did align with Jesus' words as he spoke to His disciples in the Olivet Discourse: "And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." (Luke 21:11).


TOPIC: The Red Planet - Mars

[Source: Skymania via Scientific American, January 12, 2010]

Final proof that Mars has bred life will be confirmed this year, leading NASA experts believe. The historic discovery will come not on Mars itself but from chunks of the red planet here on Earth.  David McKay, Astrobiologist at NASA's Johnson Space Centre in Houston, speculates that sometime this year we will discover that Mars has bred life.  This discovery will not take place on Mars but rather from meteorites that were found in Antarctic by American and Japanese scientists, as well as a meteorite that fell in Nakhla, Egypt in 1911. McKay states that "We do not yet believe that we have rigorously proven there is - or was - life on Mars. But we do believe that we are very, very close to proving there is or has been life there." - McKay.  Apparently according to the article, "compelling evidence that life may still survive today on Mars was revealed a year ago after NASA detected plumes of methane in the planet's atmosphere." 

NOTE: Interestingly enough, all this talk about Mars makes me think of that fact that Mars is nicknamed the "Red Planet".  Also, in mythology, Mars is the god of war.   You put these two things together and you possibly have the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse:  "And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword" (Revelation 6:4).


Monday, January 11, 2010

JOURNAL: The Avatar Obsession

This blockbuster movie is all over the news right now. You can't read the news without bumping into something about this film - so much so that we may be becoming more desensitized to it. Moreover, there are even some "people who say they have experienced depression and suicidal thoughts after seeing the film because they long to enjoy the beauty of the alien world Pandora." Fan site forums have seen record number of entries from people who are really upset and want to flee reality. One quote from a fan says it all:

"Ever since I went to see 'Avatar' I have been depressed. Watching the wonderful world of Pandora and all the Na'vi made me want to be one of them. I can't stop thinking about all the things that happened in the film and all of the tears and shivers I got from it," Mike posted. "I even contemplate suicide thinking that if I do it I will be rebirthed in a world similar to Pandora and the everything is the same as in 'Avatar.' "
NOTE: Do we need more proof that things we deem entertainment are much more than just mere enjoyment or pleasure but that it can become a mindset, which in and of itself may not be such a bad thing, but when this entertainment comes from Hollywood, it's then that we need to start being careful. Hollywood is known for interpreting our world and even pushing our world into an ungodly and progressive lifestyle. It's scary to think that this Hollywood blockbuster is affecting people so much. I would hate to think how it will be in the next few years if Hollywood keeps up this trend and if people fall more prey to this deluded thinking. As Christians we need to be aware of our society and the "triggers" that are causing people to want to escape reality and instead share with them the love of Jesus Christ.

In closing, for the record, I did see the movie and I too was upset, not because I wished to live on a perfect planet with the Na'vi, but because I lost several hours of my life watching it. I'm not sure why this movie has been so talked about and discussed in the media, except to think that it may be trying to prepare humankind for something on the horizon....

[Source: CNN, January 11, 2010]


Thursday, January 7, 2010

TOPIC: What will the Large Hadron Collider reveal?

Proponets of the Large Hadron Collider are hoping that it will bring new and exciting discoveries in the near furture. Here are some of the anticipated discoveries:

  • The existence of "dark matter", which scientists believe exist due to the gravitational pull on visible matter. "Dark matter" makes up 80% of the world around us;
  • The existence of "dark energy", which is accelerating the expansion of the universe;
  • The existence of the Higgs particle - often times referred to as the "God Particle" which will hopefully explain why some matter has mass; 
  • If not the Higgs particle, then it may be the discovery of another layer of substructure to matter;
  • The existence of extra dimensions of space, which in turn may help us understand black holes better; and
  • The existence of new forces of nature similar to electric or magnetic forces.

This article ends with a very interesting quote referring to the Large Hadron Colliders' discoveries, "This grand odyssey gives us a chance to rise above the mundane aspects of our lives, and our differences, conflicts and crises, and try to understand where we, as a species, fit in a wondrous universe that seems beyond comprehension, yet is remarkably comprehensible."

NOTE: With that being said, it sounds like all these scientists are putting their hope in the fact that this machine/experiment will bring them the answers to life. And while it may bring answers to some of their questions, I guarantee it will not provide lasting satisfaction. A belief and trust in Jesus, although not popular, will give them the ultimate answer and meaning to life.

[Source: Physorg.com, January 7, 2010]


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