As the DTV transition quickly approaches, many of us Americans are busy preparing for the June 12, 2009 deadline so that we don't miss out on our favorite prime time shows. But while we are getting ready for the digital switchover, many Iranians are getting prepared for their upcoming Presidential Election.
Why should we care about some other country's election? Well, I'm glad you asked me that!
This election could prove very important for world events in the near future. The leading candidate is none other than Iran's current president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Yes, the same Ahmadinejad that has said that Israel should be "wiped off the map", denied the Holocaust, and has shown his strong dislike of the United States, calling us the Great Satan. His actions though prove just as strong as his words. He has for several years been diligently working to create nuclear power with the ultimate goal, many believe, to create nuclear weapons. They have been strengthening their ties with Russia, who by the way also has negative feelings toward Israel. And as recently as last week, Iran has sent out warships upon international waters to show their military might. But what's even more frightening than his words or actions are his beliefs which undergird his whole way of thinking.
Ahmadinejad is what's known as a Twelver - a Muslim who holds to the belief in the coming of the Islamic 12th Imam, also referred to as the "Mahdi". The Mahdi is a saviour-like figure (similar to that of the Christian Jesus) who will come and "force" the Islamic Faith on the world’s inhabitants and usher in time of peace. This belief also teaches that Mahdi will be accompanied by Jesus when he appears. The only downside to this event is that the "Mahdi" and Jesus will only appear during a time of great chaos and upheaval in the world. According to an article by Joel Rosenberg in the National Review, one Shiite Muslim Scholar's belief in the Mahdi is very telling:
When the world has become psychologically ready to accept the government of God and when general conditions have become favorable to the idea of the rulership of the truth, God will permit the Mahdi to launch his final revolution....A few selected individuals...will be the first ones to respond to his call, and will be drawn to him like iron to a magnet in that first hour of his appearance.....On seeing the fulfillment of many of the signs promised in the traditions, a large number of unbelievers will turn towards Islam. Those who persist in their disbelief and wickedness shall be killed by soldiers of the Mahdi. The only victorious government in the entire world will be that of Islam....Islam will be the religion of everyone....The Mahdi will offer the religion of Islam to the Jews and the Christians; if they accept it they will be spared, otherwise, they will be killed....It seems unlikely that this catastrophe can be avoided....War and bloodshed [are] inevitable."
Anyone familiar with Bible Prophecy may see some eerie parallels to the man who the Bible describes as the Anti-Christ. John prophesies in Revelation 13:7, "[a]nd it was given unto him [Anti-Christ] to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." Some have suggested that the Islamic Mahdi and Jesus are actually the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet mentioned in the Bible. Further, Ahmadinejad believes that the Mahdi is living right now and that it is only a matter of time before he is revealed. It’s even been reported that Ahmadinejad has signed a contract with his administration to help hasten the glorious appearing of the Mahdi through bringing great destruction and chaos into the world (and what better way than attacking Israel - who by the way, this week, is conducting the country’s largest ever war drill).
Finally, in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8, Paul writing about the Anti-Christ says "[a]nd now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming." Some Christian scholars believe that the Anti-Christ will not be revealed until the Holy Spirit (the one "holding it back") is removed from the world, signifying the Rapture of the Church. Will Ahmadinejad be elected on June 12? If so will he continue his quest to bring about the coming of the Mahdi? Only time will tell but one thing is for sure, according to the Bible sooner or later there will be a man, whether or not we call him the Mahdi or the Anti-Christ, who rises up in the "last days" uniting the world through one religion and bringing a peace (albeit a false peace) upon the Earth, and if Ahmadinejad has his way this appearance could be sooner than we think!
P.S. If you have ten minutes or so check out this interview, it is very interesting!
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