Let the games begin...in a manner of speaking. On Monday Russia began large-scale war games in the North Caucasus region. The war games are aptly named "Caucasus 2009." According to Russian authorities, the games are based on a "theoretical crisis situation that spirals out of control into open war." However, there is strong speculation that these games may have an ulterior motive in that they are designed to provoke fear and tension in neighboring Georgia where both countries waged war last August. Interestingly enough, the games are scheduled to end on July 6, which coincides with President Obama's trip to Russia to meet with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev.
Read article here.
Now it certainly isn't out of the ordinary that Russia is playing war games because many countries routinely conduct these exercises, including the U.S. However, when one takes a deeper look they will notice that there is more than meets the eye. Over the past several years Russia has been eagerly trying to emerge as the dominant world superpower. Russia has teamed up with Brazil, India, and China to form the BRIC bloc of countries, in an effort to try to rival and even supercede America's dominance in the world. Also, in recent months, Russia has seemingly been teaming up with China, in its call to create a new world reserve currency. And to top it all off, Russia has been in talks with Iran to sell them missiles...yes, the same Iran who's leadership wants to "wipe Israel off the map". With all of this information on the table, it is no surprise that according to Al-Jazeera News, Lawrence Sheets from the International Crisis Group is quoted as saying "I think all these things add up to a potentially explosive situation, unfortunately, which the West should be paying more attention to and the world community should be paying more attention to."
Mr. Sheets is more right than he knows. According to the Bible in Ezekiel 38-39, there will one day soon be an "explosive situation" in that area of the world involving Russia, Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Libya, and other muslim nations and their invasion of Israel, known as the Battle of Gog and Magog. Fortunately for Israel though, they will be supernaturally protected and defended by God. Now, this war will not be the final war of all time but it will be followed by the infamous war to end all wars. Are you ready?
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