Earlier this month, President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, released a proposal on how to strengthen Europe's Dominance in the world. In a 41-page document entitled"Political Guidelines for the Next Commission" he set forth several different goals he would like to see Europe achieve in the next five years under his continued leadership.
In the document, President Barroso states that he is "....convinced that Europe can, and should...provide globalisation with the leadership it needs." He goes on to say that "The European Union has had almost 60 years as a laboratory for cross border supranational cooperation, making it a natural champion of global governance." [emphasis added]
These are just a couple of the quotes from the document which is filled with references and themes of world governance and globalisation.
President Barroso's proposal appears to fit right into what the Bible prophesies regarding the last world empire. In the book of Daniel, chapter 2, Daniel interprets King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, which foretold of four world empires that would come upon the earth, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. These four world powers are reiterated in Daniel's vision found in chapter 7. The fourth kingdom will be the last kingdom in power right before Jesus comes to set up His everlasting kingdom here on earth.
Although the once powerful Roman Empire no longer exists, many prophecy scholars believe that since it did not collapse from outside powers but rather it crumbled from the inside, that it was technically never destroyed but will reemerge in the last days to set up its dominance over the whole world. Revelation chapter 17 explains in further detail this fourth world empire and more specifically about the role that the Anti-Christ will play in that kingdom.
It is evident that President Barroso is pushing for European dominance in the world and with the decline of the United States as a world superpower, it is definitely a great oppotunity for the European Union to re-assert itself on the world stage. Is President Barroso's vision of a stronger more dominant Europe the beginnings of the revived Roman Empire? Time will shortly give us the answer. Are you ready?
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